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'Did you know humans and the galaxy share 97% of the same atoms so we are technically made from stardust?'

Bucky snapped his head up, turning to his boyfriend who was now sitting up in bed with an adorably excited smile on his face.

'We are stardust'

Sam laughed a happy chuckle and went back to scrolling on his phone. Bucky shook his head, smiling at the cuteness and turned back to his book.

Suddenly he heard Sam give out a little excited squeak.

'Oh! Guess what!'

Bucky looked at Sam again. His eyes were lit up and a huge smile had made its way onto his face.

'Otters hold hands while they sleep!'

Bucky laughed. He felt a sudden feeling of immense contentment and happiness looking at his boyfriend. Sam's eyes were lit up with excitement and he just wouldn't. Stop. Spouting. Facts.

'Where are you getting these from?'

Sam ignored him and knelt up on the bed, holding his hands up.

'Wait wait. Listen to this!'

Bucky sighed in amusement and sat up too to face Sam.

'A group of bunnies is called a fluffle! Isn't that cute?!'

Bucky chuckled, grabbed Sam's shoulders and shook him gently.

'Where are you getting these from?'
'The Internet'

Sam held his phone up to show him and Bucky grabbed it and threw it across the room. Sam screamed and watched it arc and fall.

'My phone!'

It landed safely on a cushion. Sam turned to Bucky looking adorably angry.

'You're lucky it didn't get damaged. If it had broken I would have killed you'
'That wasn't luck. I have good aim!'
'Yeah yeah'

Bucky leaned in towards Sams face so they were nose to nose and whispered.

'Your phone was distracting you and you know how much I crave attention'

He smirked and Sam tilted his head, mirroring his expression.

'Yeah yeah I know, princess'
'HEY. I am NOT a princess!'

Sam giggled and pushed Bucky off the bed. He landed on the ground and fell onto his back.

'Haha its what you ge- AH'

Bucky had grabbed his leg, launching him off the side and on top of him. They both cracked up.

'You always manage to pull me on top of you'
'What can I say, I'm skilled like that!'

Sam groaned and tried to stand but Bucky pulled him back down so they were both sitting face to face.

'Please stay here for a sec'
'Um... Ok'

Sam sat still, waiting for Bucky to say something. Suddenly Bucky turned on an extremely serious and intimidating face. Sam's smile dropped.

'Uh...Buck. Are you ok?'

Bucky squinted at him before bursting out laughing and pulling Sam over with him. They both landed on the ground again, lying side by side.


Bucky looked at Sam, the man he adored, his best friend, his everything and suddenly knew.

'I see forever in those sweet, chocolate brown eyes'

Before he could even think about it properly, the words were out of his mouth.

'I love you'

Sam responded quite satisfyingly. His eyes widened and he sat up. His small smile was making its way into a wide one.

'Wha- Really?!'

Bucky had surprised himself. The words were out before he could stop them. But he knew. He knew.

He meant it.

'I love you, Sam Wilson'

Sitting up and facing Sam was almost difficult now that he had admitted it. But he did it. He reached for Sam, cupping his face softly and gazing at the man he loved.

Sam's mouth was hanging open slightly and Bucky felt suddenly nervous.

What if he doesn't love me? What if I'm not good enough?

But his negative thoughts were drowned out by Sam's sudden smile and then he was speaking...

'I love you too'

Bucky's face broke out into a wide smile and he leaned in close to Sam, pressing their foreheads together. He closed his eyes, safe and happy with his boyfriend. He let out a happy sigh as Sam held him tight.

They stayed like that for a moment before Sam moved slightly, pressing his lips to Bucky's. Bucky relaxed as Sam pulled him into a warm embrace.

His mind was empty and calm for the first time in ages.

Sam suddenly grabbed his hands and accidently knocked him off balance. He let out a small squeak and tried to stay up.

Sam smiled into the kiss and held him tight. Safe. He was safe.

Safe with Sam Wilson.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it ❤️

Feel free to comment feedback or suggestions ☺️

'I see forever in those sweet, chocolate brown eyes'
Kenzie lawson

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