Sam Throws Self In Front Of Danger Pt 2

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'How's Sam?'

Bucky kept repeating this question to whoever he thought would know. Rhodey, a random doctor, a child, a receptionist, a dog and a random man taking bins in and out.

Yeah he was worried.

He was mad at himself for not stopping Sam for jumping in front of the bullet. It was for him! And he would have been fine!

But Sam...

He was worried.


Bucky turned to the door of the main hospital. A doctor stood there. He jumped up and rushed towards her.

'Is Sam alright?'

She paused, looking a bit bewildered.

'Uh... Yes. You can see him now'

Bucky nodded, eager to see him. The doctor held the door open for him and he followed her through to a room.

Sam was lying on a bed, his eyes closed. He didn't look too bad.

But Bucky was not deceived by covers.

The doctor left, smiling nervously and Bucky rushed over to Sams side.

He sat on the chair beside him and waited.


No response.


Sam opened his eyes, blinking in confusion. His eyes darted around the room before settling on Bucky's face. He smiled.


Bucky nodded and took Sam's hand.

'How are you feelin-'
'Omg. Whoa. I mean look at you!'

He grabbed Bucky's arm.


Bucky frowned in confusion.

He must be off his head on drugs.

'I mean... You're so... Hot'

Bucky blushed and turned away. Drugged up Sam was overall confident.

'Are you ok?'

Sam at last looked at his face.

'... Yeah'

Bucky nodded and looked around the room.

'What damage?'

He turned back to Sam.

He was asleep.


'Night Sam'

* * *

Sam woke up a few hours later. He felt... Sore.

But overall OK.

He looked to the side to see Bucky. Who was reading a book.


Bucky raised his head and smiled. Then narrowed his eyes.

'You're not gonna act all weird now are you?'
'Oh good'

Sam frowned but continued talking.

'You don't have to stay here ya know. You can leave if you want!'

Bucky shook his head.

'No no no... Uh... I need to keep an eye on you'

Sam nodded. Made sense.

Then he remembered.

Damn it.

He had kissed Bucky.

The same Bucky who he was staring at right now.

'Oh god no...'

Sam froze. He had said that out loud. He turned to look at Bucky who was obviously very confused. He flashed him a charming smile and shook his head.


Bucky nodded. Then suddenly his expression changed and he froze.


It was Bucky's turn to look embarrassed and shake his head.


Seeing Bucky so nervous gave Sam confidence. He decided to be stupid and address it.

'So yes. I kissed you'

Real smooth.

Bucky's mouth dropped open and he nodded slowly. This was going well.

'So... Hm. You like it?'

Bucky turned red and looked down. Yeah that wasn't exactly a smart approach.

'Sorry. That was a dumb way to address it'
'N-No its OK... Um'

Bucky paused, twisting his fingers together.

'Yeah... Yeah I liked it'

Oh shoot.

Sam was not expecting this. This was better then he had ever thought!

'Oh... I mean. I apologise if you're straight or homophobic or-'
'No. I'm not. I'm...not straight or homophobic'

Sam froze. Oh.


He smiled nervously at Bucky. Yeah he wanted to kiss him.

'So you're OK?'

Sam rolled his eyes.

He decided to pout dramatically and grab Bucky's arm. Bucky looked concerned.


He paused for effect.

'I might need a kiss to make it better'

Bucky froze with a very satisfying expression on his face. His cheeks were flushed and he wouldn't meet Sam's eyes.

Sam smirked.

Then it changed.

Suddenly Bucky leaned down towards Sam and smirked.

'Yeah that can be arranged'

He leaned closer, pressing his lips to Sam's.

Yay everything's going well for once.

Until the doctor walked in.


Bucky pulled away, looking surprised. He blushed when he noticed who it was.

'Sam needs to sleep now'

Bucky walked past her, his head down and as he turned to leave he winked at Sam and mouthed 'See you later'.


This was very lazy but I hope you enjoyed anyway ☺


Stay safe :)

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