'I Shouldn't Have Left You'

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Bucky scanned the room, feeling the music running through the floor, watching people dancing and laughing. His eyes constantly drifting to Sam.

Sam was relaxed. Too relaxed for a mission.

He was wearing a dark blue suit, the top button undone. Bucky couldn't deal with it. Sitting this close to Sam. Not doing anything.

He couldn't deal with it.

'Hey! Can I buy you a drink?'

Bucky turned to see who was speaking. A man was talking to Sam. And Sam...

Sam was smiling and nodding. Making conversation. Chatting.

Bucky felt a scowl building on his face.

He watched Sam laugh and take the drink being offered to him. He wasn't looking at Bucky. He'd forgotten him.

Bucky turned back to the main room, keeping an eye out for their guy. He tried to control his emotions. He couldn't afford to get mad...

Or jealous.

But he could hear Sam laughing and talking. This... This was unbearable.

He stood up.

Sam looked at him, looking surprised.

'Buck-I mean. Where are you going?'

The man beside him turned to look at Bucky. Bucky tried not to slap his smug face.

'Oh I'm sorry. Is that your boyfriend?'

A dull flush appeared on Bucky's face and he shook his head. Sam laughed it off.

'No no. We are just friends'

The man sighed in relief but Bucky put his head down and turned away.

'But Buck-James! Where are you going?! We have... A...'

Bucky waved without looking.

'I'll be back in a minute'

He needed to breathe.

He left the busy room, seething and headed to the bathrooms. He knew he should have been watching out for the guy but being so near to Sam talking and flirting with... Some guy was too hard for him.

He was jealous.


Bucky straightened up from where he'd been leaning against the wall and looked to the door. Was... Was that-


Heading for the door, Bucky began cursing himself out. He'd left Sam. Alone. With a stranger.

Who may have had a gun.

People were screaming and running towards Bucky but he didn't have time for politeness. He pushed people out of the way and when someone ran into him he shoved them over.

Okay he was mad.

At last after some struggle with the crowd he reached the main room. He scanned it, hoping to see Sam fine but he couldn't tell in the horde of terrified people.

Where was the person with the gun?


Bucky spun, starting to become panicked. Usually he would have found out where it was coming from by now but with the noise and chaos his hearing was affected.

But his concerns where not on the gun. They were on Sam.


He waited, straining his ears, hoping to hear a call back but nope. Nothing.

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