Chapter 1

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The night before…

- What do you know about Steve Rogers?

I take a long drink from one of the glasses I hold as I casually introduce the name of the company's CEO into the conversation.

It may seem like a dumb question, after all, he's the guy who holds the power of life and death over our heads, I mean, at least while we're in our cubicles working. The truth is that little is known about Steve Rogers, apart from the professional part. Like the fact that he's the youngest CEO ever to move to DBS Enterprises (only 28. Can you believe he's not only handsome but also smart?) and has held the job for only six months.

And, of course, he's a workaholic, always first in and last out. What makes everyone around you try to keep the same pattern; after all, who is going to risk being late when the boss is already present at seven in the morning? Erin, my boss (that snake who hates me, I'm sure), laments every day that she can't do yoga in the morning anymore, as she did in the days of the former CEO. And Maria Hill, my colleague, regrets that she can no longer strategically go out to the bathroom, pretending to have a stomachache, so that she can update her Facebook. Well, I was only hired a week ago and already regret not being able to have coffee at Starbucks as often as I would like.

Alan Felton, the finance guy, stares at me over his glass of champagne. Don't ask me your position, I have no idea of ​​the technical names.

I separate everyone like this: Alan, the starched one from the financial. Benjamin, the computer japa; Tyler, the photocopying pervert (I still get goosebumps when Erin orders me to copy and I envision Tyler's snide and uncreative jokes involving some part of my anatomy).

- Like this? Everyone knows the boss. He is 28 years old. He had a dizzying career at the company, which he joined after graduating six years ago, he is the newest CEO and is a workaholic.

— That I already know! I want to know something personal! I blink, taking another sip from one of the glasses. One of my missions tonight is to try out all the free drinks at the party. It's not every day I can join an open bar party of this level. I just got out of college so I'm still paying off my student loan while sharing an apartment with two friends, Hill and Holly. In fact, it was Hill who got me the job as an assistant to Erin the public relations bitch.

- Oh, are you going to say you're one of the girls from the Rogers fan club too, Natasha? - He raises an eyebrow sarcastically.

I blush. Am I that transparent and, like, seriously there was a fan club? Why didn't I know? Posters should be put up on the walls of the ladies' room!

- Not! I let out a fake laugh even to my ears and finish the second glass. I feel a little vertigo that I ignore.

Second mission of the night: don't embarrass yourself because of the drink.

I'm not a very strong person when it comes to alcoholic beverages and I've had a lot of embarrassment at university. But if I keep the line, nothing will happen. After all, I'm just trying drinks, a sip of each won't hurt me.

- All right? Alan holds my elbow with a worried look.

- Of course. I just need to eat something, I think. I place the glasses on the tray of the waiter who has just passed and get another one. Have I tried this one? I don't remember, but it's good. Focus on Alan again. “So you were telling me about Steve.

- What do you want to know?

'Everything,' I say too recklessly and blush again, hiding my face in the glass. Shit. “I mean, I'm just curious! he is the boss i think
that everyone wants to know everything about him. I've been here for a week and haven't heard much.

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