Chapter 97

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I thought I would feel relieved when I could get back to the life I knew as normal, but the truth is, a week has passed and I just feel more lost than ever, which doesn't make any sense.

I went back to my apartment.

I found it all too quiet.

too calm.

Maybe it was because it was so empty.

Or why was I alone?

It was hard to believe that this was bothering me, as I had always enjoyed solitude and silence so that I could work in peace.

I went back to DBS as if nothing had happened, or at least I tried.

I asked Mark to warn the staff that I didn't want anyone asking me a stupid question, like Benjamin from IT who met me in the elevator and kept yelling at me, "Good morning Steve, I hope you're all right," as if I'd lost my hearing and not my hearing. memory.

It was still hard to get used to Wanda with her new style, but I made an effort to forget about her misconduct at the exorcism session, or whatever she called that delusion they made me participate in. And then there was Natasha Romanoff and that weird lack of her.

She didn't show up at the company that week and Wanda told me she took the week off before Christmas.

I wanted to call or go over there and see if I was okay, but she herself sent me away and told me not to come back unless I remembered then maybe it would be better to stay away. But what if I don't remember? Does it mean our marriage is over? Will I be able to move on, as if Natasha didn't exist in my life? Maybe yes.

But as the week goes by, bizarrely monotonous and boring and meaningless, I begin to realize that I don't want to go on like this. No Natasha.

Now it's Christmas Eve and I'm driving aimlessly around town, watching the lights out the window after leaving the DBS where I worked, even though everyone else is gone. What else could I do?

My family was far away. Henry was in Durham.

"You can go see Natasha and Penelope," a voice whispers inside me. But what if Natasha doesn't want to see me? No, I better go.

I arrive at my empty apartment and take a shower, open my suitcase looking for an outfit, and find the awful Christmas sweater Natasha bought.

I wear it, even though I feel pathetic. Did she wear hers?

I open the notebook, thinking about working, not wanting to think about how depressing this is even for me. Work on Christmas Eve.

Then I see an email from Wanda with the title "Flights to New York."

I open it and it's a message Wanda has forwarded to me with hotel reservations and tickets purchased for me and Natasha bound for New York.

The date is Valentine's Day, two months from now.

"Steve, I forgot to forward you, that I completed the ticket and hotel reservations you asked me for the trip that you are going to present Natasha. Merry Christmas. PS. May the goddess be with you."

So I was going to surprise Natasha with a trip to New York for Valentine's Day? That doesn't sound like something a husband fed up with his wife would do.

Maybe Natasha was wrong. I wasn't tired or wanting to get rid of her. Hell, even now that I didn't even remember her, I still wanted to be close.

I close the notebook, a resolution forming in my mind. I pick up my cell phone and research something I need to do first and leave the apartment.

And when I get in the car and start it, I notice the shoe forgotten in the back seat and again the image of someone wearing them lying on the seat comes back to my mind.

Only this time the image is complete.

I see myself opening the back door and finding Natasha sleeping. She wears a stained white dress and red shoes.

I feel confused and grab her purse, I see the name on her ID: Natasha Romanoff. And I decide to take her to my apartment.

And so, it all began.

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