Chapter 58

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- Something more? - Wanda asks me, still writing down my latest requests in her notebook.

I notice her black-painted fingernails, remembering when she'd rubbed my chest afterward and poured hot wax.

Stop it Steve! I scold myself with a shiver of horror.

It's been two months since that fateful night and I still shiver remembering it.

As Natasha had assured me, Wanda hadn't given the slightest hint that she knew I knew she was the dominatrix in that club.

I confess that the morning after I had to meet her, I was scared to death. Not just the ominous memories of the night at the club, but also
afraid that the situation would become awkward for both of them and I would have to fire her.

Despite Wanda being terrifying at times, she was still a great secretary.

However, she pretended that nothing had happened and I did the same. So, we move on.

“No, that's all,” I reply, dismissing her.

She gets up to leave.

"Then I'll make my lunch break." It's a beautiful day to go to Abney Park Cemetery,” he adds.

Yes, Wanda continues with her weird habit of going to cemeteries for lunch and Natasha had told me that she kept insisting that I go along.

"Did you invite Natasha again?" – I ask amused.

“Yeah, but she said she's having lunch with Justin today,” she adds before leaving the room.

I frown.

Natasha going to lunch with the new boss again?

Come to think of it, she did that a lot lately.

The truth is that apparently my fear that Natasha and Justin wouldn't get along and that they would have a bad relationship just like they did with Erin had been unfounded.

That first week after Justin was hired, I asked Natasha about how she was adapting to her new boss and she just shrugged it off with a sneer.

"I'm being nice, as you asked!"

- What you mean? It's all right?

“Yeah… I'm trying, okay?

The second week I asked her what she thought of Justin.

Because to me he seemed to be very competent and had great and original ideas.

- Yeah... he's really smart - she replied, filing her nail, with her eyes fixed on the TV where she was showing "Friends".

'Is that all you have to say?' I bet you must be learning a lot from him.

“Yeah, I think so. - And then she burst out laughing at something funny in the series, and still turned up the volume, ending the conversation.

I gave up on questioning her about it eventually. From the looks of it, things were indeed proceeding under control, because knowing Natasha and her penchant for getting into trouble, if anything was wrong, the situation would have already exploded into some confusion.

But not. Everything was in absolute calm.

And now, on second thought. It was too calm...
"She went to lunch with Justin."

How many times had I heard something like that in the last two months?

I remember one day when I asked Wanda to call Natasha into my office because I was stressed about the bad sales figures.
That week and against all my rules of not asking Natasha for some sexual interlude anymore, I decided that was exactly what I needed at that moment, but Wanda had replied that Natasha had gone out with Justin.

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