Chapter 95

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"My life is a disaster!" I slump down on the couch, devastated after Steve disappeared upstairs.

— Daughter, calm down, don't be discouraged! “Dad tries to comfort me. "Your life is not a disaster!" Look at your house, your beautiful daughter. Your career. And this husband who looks more like a Calvin Klein underwear model?

“Of course, a husband who forgot I exist! It really is reason to celebrate!

I had woken up so hopeful.

I was going to tell Steve our story, take him to places where everything happened and he would remember me. Of us. But nothing happened as I planned.

So I decided to accept the help of my mother who wanted to come to London with two Wiccan friends for a ritual that promised to free Steve's mind. And see what happened! Now Steve hates me more than anything. And how to blame him?

Irina enters the room holding Penelope who is still crying and asking to go to the water.

"Irina, can you give her a bath?" She's all wet and reeking of my mother's crazy herbs.

- Of course yes.

Irina goes upstairs with Penelope and my mother enters the room.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Did Steve remember anything?

- No! And now he's mad at me. It's your fault!

- My?

— Yes, yours and your crazy friends and… I honestly don't know if Steve really needed to take his clothes off! It's almost winter for God's sake what if he caught pneumonia? What if he died?
Die without remembering me? He was going to have to put on his headstone "Steve Rogers, forgetful husband who may have loved his wife here lies!"

“Don't blame me for wanting to help!

"Well, it got worse!"

"If you're going to argue, I'll get a beer from the fridge." — My father leaves.

"Stop attacking me, it won't help anything!" — My mother sits next to me. "Come on, calm your mind!" Your aura is very dark and confused.

I roll my eyes.

“Mom, you're not helping me, okay? I'm lost here! Steve forgot that I exist and I feel grounded! Why did this happen? It's just what I ask myself.

- What you mean?

“I don't think Steve wants to remember me,” I confess my worst fear. "What if this amnesia is his subconscious's way of getting rid of me?" What if I'm a bad wife?

"Not a bad wife, dear..."

'But do you think there's any sense in it?' What if Steve doesn't like me anymore? What if he regretted marrying me? From Penelope? Maybe he never remembers so what? What will happen? — I start to cry.

"Oh dear, don't be like that. All marriages go through ups and downs.

“I never thought Steve and I would go through something like this. But... maybe it's a sign.

— Sign of what?

“That we're not as perfect as I thought we were.

“No one is perfect, Natasha.

- What do I do?

“You're a smart girl and you always know what to do, Natasha. You certainly know the answer.

"It's no use ripping his car tires again..."

“I'm not talking about that!

"Do you think I should lock him in the basement then?" Maybe it's pretty radical, but on second thought...

“No Natasha! And if you tried it... give Steve space!

- Space? Like this?

“You're too intense sweetheart, this can be a little suffocating.

"You think I smother Steve?"

- What you think? I do not know what to say.

Is it my fault? Did Steve give up on me? But I can't give him up! Maybe I should consider the basement idea...

“I can't give up on Steve.

“You can't arrest anyone on our side.

'Not with witchcraft?'

- Not with witchcraft

- He is sure? I don't know, dance naked in the moonlight, some potion, I can get Steve's semen and...

- No.

- OK.

I take a deep breath trying not to let despair overwhelm me, because deep down I know my mother might be right.

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