Chapter 19

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— Grandma Mary! I jump up and run to hug my grandmother, still in shock. "I can't believe it's here!"

"You must thank your fiance who picked me up." Looks like he thought you were a little sad about being away from your family.

I stare at Steve, not knowing what to think.

“I just wanted you to be happy,” he says simply and, like, what do you mean?

Yesterday he left the room slamming the door, like he was mad at me for not agreeing to his proposal for no-strings sex.

And suddenly he decides to pick up my grandmother?

What is he up to?

Do you think I'm going to give in just because he made a nice gesture?

Honestly, I don't doubt anything coming from Steve.

— How great to be able to meet someone from Natasha's family! - Maggie walks over and takes my grandmother to the couch.

"Oh, how nice!" I'm so happy that Natasha got a groom as handsome and polite as her son!

I roll my eyes and stare at Steve.

- What do you think you are doing? - whisper.

"Why are you angry?" he asks in the same tone.

"Why did you go get my grandmother?"

"Didn't you hear what I said?"

"Do you think I believe you?"

- Why do not you believe?

"What a hoax you are, Steve!" If you think I'm going to agree with your proposal just because...

“Hey, stop whispering! “Hope complains. - Let's finish giving out the gifts and go eat because I'm hungry!

I sit down next to my grandmother and decide to enjoy the moment with her and forget about Steve. Which is pretty hard because he's been staring at me all the time.

"What do you think of a wedding in our garden?" Florence is asking Grandma and my eyes widen. Crap!

— I think it would be beautiful. Although Natasha's mother already has her own plans! Grandma says. "I wish it were something more traditional rather than a wedding celebrated in the middle of the woods with a brass bell, broomsticks and magic circles!"

“Um, how… interesting! Maggie smiles confused. “We were thinking of something more formal, like an Anglican church and a reception in our garden.

— I think it could be more modern and happen in Italy, for example! We have a friend who got married in a village in Tuscany! “Hope suggests.

“Natasha's grandfather was Italian, from Naples,” Grandma says excitedly. "He had to flee from there after getting involved with Cosanostra."

- The Mafia? Alfred exclaims in horror.

“No, it's a legend, Grandma is exaggerating,” I correct.

"Looks like the creative mind runs in the family," Steve says playfully, and I shoot him a glare.

- The important thing is that my Natasha will have a beautiful wedding. Grandma holds my hand with a happy smile.

And more than ever I feel like a fraud.

And I decide I need to tell her the truth.

I don't want you to be deluded by something that isn't even real.

- Let's eat? Maggie calls us into the dining room, and there the conversation continues animated about the imaginary wedding everyone swears will take place.

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