Chapter 108

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— There is something very wrong with Brazil.

Steve doesn't listen to me. He doesn't even look up from his cell phone as we walk through arrivals after retrieving our bags.

It's been about twenty minutes since we landed in Brazilian lands and, honestly, it's kind of boring here.

Where is the music? People dancing and smiling at you? Couples kissing. I heard they have sex on the street, but let's face it, that's too much, right? It was Holly who told me, but I didn't believe it. Holly is so provincial! She is that typical European who thinks that all of South America is the same.

Good thing I'm not uninformed, who doesn't have basic knowledge about Latin American countries. I am a person tuned in and knowledgeable about other cultures.

“Steve, why aren't they speaking Spanish?

Steve finally looks up from his phone staring at me in horror.

- What?

“Aren't you listening? Everyone is speaking a weird language that is definitely not Spanish! I studied Spanish at school for three months. I'm practically Shakira, my Spanish is very good.

— Natasha, this is Brazil, not Colombia.

- Is not the same thing?

"For God's sake, do you say you're kidding?"

Why is Steve staring at me like I'm stupid?

— Portuguese is spoken in Brazil, Natasha.

— But I spent the last week practicing how to say "buenos dias, gracias e tu eres muy guapo" for nothing?

"Why would I need to say 'tu eres muy guapo'?"

"You don't even know what it means!" — deconvert.

Steve doesn't need to know that I practiced flirting in Spanish because I didn't want to miss the opportunity.

It's definitely an experience I have to have!

I still remember when I was a teenager and dreamed of traveling to Mexico and hooking up with cute boys.

Muchachos muy guapo, sin señor.

Of course, he wasn't going to cheat on Steve or anything, but a little innocent flirting with a native wasn't going to hurt. Too bad I'm fulfilling my dream of traveling to a hot and sensual Latin country while I'm married.

“It means you're very handsome.

— Actually, the compliment is for women, oh Steve, he doesn't even know how to speak Spanish and he comes to correct me.

— I speak Spanish better than you.

- Cocky! And wow, how hot! — I fan myself. "Why weren't we served drinks as soon as we got off the plane?" This experience is being very dull!

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