Chapter 106

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I peek at the phone to see if Natasha has heard from her, but she remains silent. Hell. What is Natasha thinking? And I thought the only insanity I had to deal with this month was Penelope's birthday. Apparently for Natasha there are no limits of craziness.

I turn on the car stereo, to distract myself, at least I'm close to her parents' house. If she did go back there, but it's after midnight, Natasha wouldn't be at this Witches' Sabbath by then, would she? After all, her mother's friends are old ladies of varying ages, but some of them are over sixty, as I well remember, with a shudder of horror, the grotesque scene in my backyard, when I lost my memory and they tried to cook me alive. or whatever they intended to do to me when they took my clothes off and smeared me with bizarre herbs while they sang and danced around me.

Wait... what's that on the road?

Is it... a person running on the shoulder?

I slow down as I get closer and holy shit!

It's a woman running.


In the middle of the road.

At dawn.

What the fuck?...

The car passes her and I widen my eyes in horror as I recognize the crazy woman running naked.

It's Natasha.

She's my fucking wife!

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