Chapter 34

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“It's all under control,” I whisper to myself in the elevator as I feel a weight pressing down on my shoulders.

It was as if the spirits that Wanda had tried so hard to convince me the other day were hanging on to our backs were right there, perched on my shoulders and still punching me in the head.

However, Wanda's supernatural explanation didn't apply to my situation. I'm tense and my tension has a first and last name: Natasha Romanoff.

I had been trying to fool myself since the day I was with her, right there in that elevator, and I gave up all control to throw myself into a relationship that I had no idea where it was going to lead. Or rather, deep down I knew that the possibility of going downhill was very big. After all, our short fake engagement was already something of a free sample of what awaited me in a relationship with Natasha. But in the end I let my rational side get knocked out by my emotional side, which never in my life had won a battle.

I was in love with Natasha Romanoff, my fake fiancée.

And I did not hesitate and turn the false into true. I believed I could control that relationship like I controlled everything in my life. I was aware that we would have to keep everything a secret since she was my employee and it wouldn't do any good if they found out I was breaking my own rules of not getting involved with anyone who worked for me.

My career was my life and I wasn't about to let anything spoil what I'd achieved so far.

However, I should have predicted that Natasha was a hurricane.

Of those who form where we least expect it and go on devastating everything where they go. It was not for nothing that hurricanes were named after women.

She is simply a magnet for trouble! And I tried to keep everything under control. Obviously I tried. With every situation that ended badly, like Billy's bet, Alan Felton's catching us in the act, and Barbara's intoxication, I told myself it couldn't get any worse.

But it stayed.

And Erin's accident only alerted me that we can't stay in this impasse forever. We can't keep our relationship a secret forever. I feel forced to make a decision, I just don't know which one yet.

“Steve, I thought the meeting was going to be cancelled. — Paul, the commercial director intercepts me on the way to the meeting room. “I heard about what happened to Erin.

“Yes, it was unfortunate,” I reply, walking into the room and
greeting shareholders who have just arrived for the meeting.

My gaze scans the room and I notice, with surprise, Natasha sitting next to Rachel.

"Natasha Romanoff, what are you doing here?" I ask without thinking.

She clears her throat, standing up.

“Erin is on leave after the terrible accident, as you may know…

“Yeah, we hear she crashed at her house in Costwood, Steve,” Rachel says. "Is she going to be okay?"

“She's going to be on leave for a while.

“Yes, I'm her assistant, that's why I'm here,” Natasha replies and sits down, opening her notebook. — I will present the PR strategies instead.

I stare at her stunned.

For this I did not expect.

What are you doing?

- Are you sure? I ask slowly.

She keeps her expression serious.

- Yes sir. Everything is under control.

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