Chapter 49

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— Oh Paris is so beautiful! — I have my Pink lemonade while Steve has some wine. We're in a café on the Champs Élysées and night is falling.

- Are you feeling better? Steve looks at me, still a little worried.

- Yes I am! I shouldn't have eaten all that. I shudder as I remember the horror movie scene I played in the Tower.

"Should I cancel our dinner?"

Steve wanted to take me to a romantic dinner at one of his favorite bistros in Paris to celebrate Valentine's Day, since yesterday
we stayed in bed.

- Of course not! In fact, I think I'm already hungry. — I take the rest of my drink.

'So how about we go to the hotel and rest and leave later?'

— Rest or have sex? I catch your gaze, which isn't the least bit subtle.

“I thought it was the intention of the honeymoon. His hand caresses my knee under the table.

"Well, I have other plans." I pick up my phone, checking my script. — According to my schedule, we have to take the bus tour of the city.

Steve grimaces.

“That's so silly, Natasha!

'For you who have been to Paris many times!' I've only been here once and it was Valentine's Day too, with the—” I shut up, because I don't want to tell Steve I came to Paris with an ex-boyfriend.

He raises an eyebrow.

- With whom?

“With some friends,” I deflect.

— Or a friend?

"Okay, with a boyfriend!"

"Oh, so you ever had a romantic Valentine's Day trip to Paris, Ms. Rogers?"

"It wasn't as you imagine!" We were students with no money, so we stayed in a terrible hotel where to take a shower, the faucet was open for like three seconds and then you had to keep opening it again! And of course it wasn't very romantic having to sleep in a room with twenty people!
As you can see, you have nothing to worry about.

“Why would I be worried?

"Because you like to be the best at everything!" I'm sure I'd be all pissed if I said my Valentine's Day with my ex here was better!

- Was?

“Steve, what a question! Didn't you hear what I said?

Doesn't Steve know that he's really better at everything?
At least for me.

- So let's go? I get up and Steve reluctantly follows me.

The cold is biting when we walk towards the place where the tourist buses leave. The line is long to get on the covered bus, but there is a skip-the-line one at the front and much better as it is open at the top, which is perfect for seeing the scenery and taking pictures.

'Let's go on that one!' — I pull Steve.

“Natasha, it's too cold to go in this one.

'But it's the best!' It's not even that cold! “I'm wearing a new coat that Steve bought me near the hotel, since I wasn't going to wear the leopard coat ever again.

Without listening to him, I go ahead and get on the bus. I pick up my headphones and go upstairs excitedly to the second floor.

I sit on a bench next to Steve.

“That's so cool! — I grab my cell phone and start taking pictures before the bus even leaves.

Steve smiles indulgently.

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