Chapter 114

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When I leave the box towards the avenue, everyone makes room for me with a look of admiration.

Oh yes, I look beautiful and sexy in a dancer costume that I stole.

I mean, stealing is a very strong word.

I borrowed!

I'm going to give back to that queen of the drums who already had her moment, I also have the right!

Suddenly I hear a commotion behind me. Someone speaking in Portuguese is beside me, guiding me, he's wearing the T-shirt of what I believe is the samba school. I smile and put on a diva face, even though I don't understand anything.

Move on.

How exciting!

I hear the drums and the loud beat. Oh my my. I have no idea how to samba, so I start dancing to Beyonce's Single Ladies, maybe I'm more like a drugged snake, but who cares? I'm parading!

There are a few people looking at me strangely, but I don't care, I just carry on pretending I know what I'm doing.

The audience applauds. The beat is getting stronger and we move on, passing by the avenue.

Wow, I'm a queen!

Queen of the samba school!

Practically Brazilian royalty!

Sophia will die of envy.

Suddenly I hear a commotion behind me and looking back I see the guy who was in the bathroom pointing at me.

"She there, the English thief!"

She says it in English, so I understand. Clearly intimidating me!

Oh shit! It went bad.

Without thinking, I turn and run.

Yes, I run down the avenue, passing through people in costumes. I take down a whole row of women in oversized clothes that look like something out of the Victorian era.

“Oh my God, I'm sorry.

I try to lift one of them and notice that it is a little old lady.

Oh my, I knocked over an old woman! What kind of horrible people prey on old ladies?

Oh whatever!

I keep running scared. Pushing whoever appears in front of me.

"Natasha, fuck!"

I stop when I hear Steve's voice. He's running down the sidelines making a sign. I sigh in relief and run towards him.

“What the fuck did you do? Is everyone behind you saying you stole a drum queen costume?

- I borrowed!

“Fucking hell, Natasha!

"I think we'd better run...

Steve takes off his jacket and puts it on top of me, pulls my hand and we enter the crowd. We run like two delinquents through the bleachers, until we are at the Sapucaí exit, running amidst the scattering of the last samba school.

"Stop, we can't go!"

"Natasha, that's enough, we have to get out of here..."

"But my purse and my clothes...

Steve holds out his hand and it's only now that I notice he's holding my bag.

"I followed you into the bathroom and all I found was your purse..."

"Good, then keep running."

We only stop when we're in the parking lot and Steve throws me into the car.

- You are crazy?

"I wanted to know what it's like...

“Holy shit, Natasha, you've crossed the line!

"I just wanted to have fun!" It's a world of bold people, Steve, and today I was a queen.

"She'd be queen of jail if she got caught!" Do you know the damage you've done?

- It was not my intention...

"Bloody hell, it nearly killed me." ’ And suddenly Steve starts laughing.

"Steve, are you drunk?" - I look at him, worried.

“Neither am I.

"Did you use any drugs?" Oh my God, did you go to one of those hills where drugs are sold? I heard it's like the Brazilian mafia! And you didn't even take me?

"I didn't use any drugs... But I guess I should have known this would happen?" Where do you go unnoticed?

"I promised myself I'll never do crazy things again, satisfied?" And seriously, that was just a relapse.

"Don't promise what you can't deliver!" — Steve starts the car and we are off through the streets of Rio.

“You don't think I'm going to comply, I really do, Steve. No more crazy! I'm a new Natasha!

I take off my jacket and take my dress from my bag, putting it over my dancer's clothes.

— I know... I'll believe it when I see it.

“Don't be so pessimistic. I should be happy, I'm sure you'd prefer me to be more like your dear secretary, by the way, where is she?

— She was tired and stayed at the hotel. And I already told you that I didn't want it to be different, Natasha.

- I doubt...

He holds my hand.

“Hey, you know it's serious. You're crazy, but so what? I knew what I was getting into when I married you...

"But I spoiled our trip!"

“Yeah… it really did.

- It's not funny.

— But it's not over yet, we can still have fun, what do you want to do?

I look around and we're in an area full of people and bars.

"Sounds like where you were having drinks with your annoying secretary."

“She's not boring. I should get to know her better, maybe they're friends...

- Oh there. I roll my eyes, not excited at all.

But on second thought, my new vegan persona might also be more understanding of the people around me. More open to relating to people with different personalities. Yes. I can do that and start being friends with the playmate secretary.

Steve stops the car.

- Why we stop here?

"I promised you a drink." Let's party Brazilian style, Natasha.

He gets out of the car and pulls me by the hand.

The joy there is contagious and I feel like Bella from “Twilight” on her honeymoon in Rio. Oh yes. I smile at Steve and pull him down to kiss me.

"Do you think we can have sex on the street?" — I cheer up.

“That would be too crazy even for you, Natasha. But I promise you a very naughty fuck when we get back to the hotel, how about that?

- Can not wait. And I can even samba for you, I'm still in costume. And I'm going to talk dirty in Portuguese with you! “And I stand on tiptoe and whisper in her ear. — I want to fuck…

Steve laughs.

“That's Spanish, Natasha.

"Oh whatever!"

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