Chapter 89

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We walked back to the house, me in my ruined pants, showing my underwear for anyone to see and trying to maintain some dignity, which I think I lost a long time ago.

The Russian nanny is kind enough to bring me a pair of clean pants that must be mine, I think when I get dressed in the bathroom in the house, as it fits very well.

When I leave there, still lost, the Russian nanny says goodbye and so I'm alone with Natasha and the child. I mean, Penelope. My daughter. I still feel short of breath when I think about it.

And now the little girl is running around the room, seemingly for no purpose, while Natasha turns on the TV and a cartoon fills the room's sound.

- Finally alone. - She smile.

I shove my hands in my pockets not knowing what to do. And now?

"Oh, poor thing, you're lost, aren't you?" Steve, I'm sure when you least expect it you'll remember everything and I'll help you, okay? How about now I... I don't know, show you around the house?

“It might be a good start.

- That! I'll show you around the house and I think you might remember everything when you're done!

Natasha goes ahead showing me all the rooms of the house which is huge and even so, at the end of the tour, which ends when she shows me my office and I almost cry with emotion when I see my vinyl collection, I still don't remember her , the house or the girl who now sings in the living room accompanying a Disney character.

- Anything? - Natasha smiles between hopeful and worried.

I shake my head in the negative.

“No, nothing.

“Okay, no panic,” she says with that creepy sweet smile. - Everything will work out. I'm going to... make our dinner. That.

— Great, I'm going to… work — I say, relieved to see my notebook and, next to it, my cell phone that I thought was lost.

Natasha's smile is replaced by an angry look, but then she smiles. A very forced smile actually.

- Right. No problem. Can work.

She leaves the office and I close the door, fighting the urge to lock it.

I recognize my stuff.

I almost feel at home as I put on a David Bowie vinyl and sit at my desk, opening my laptop.

Yes, I can keep control.

Or at least try.

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