Chapter 74

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— And as I was telling you — I return to the present, visualizing the faces of my co-workers — Penelope is sweet, it didn't take any work. And I did very well as a mother—I exaggerate a little. Penelope is indeed sweet, but the first days with her were not easy.

But my colleagues don't need to know the sordid details. Let's let the single, childless poor think life with babies is a bed of roses.

Let them fight when they find out the truth!

"And you're so fit!" It's been less than three months since Penelope was born and she looks great! - Rachel praises.

My proud (and lying) smile spreads across my face. I look really good in that dress, even though I can't take a deep breath, otherwise the girdle will tighten my gut too much. If I still have guts.

"Yeah, got back in shape super early!" What is the secret? – an oriental girl, who introduced herself as Sonya, the new assistant to the vampire from HR, asks me curiously.

“There is no secret. Just persistence and discipline. In fact, I've always been a naturally fit person, I just hadn't discovered this gift yet!

"Natasha, where the hell do you think you're going?" Steve glared at me as I passed the room, dressed in gym clothes and carrying Penelope's stroller. Yes, the one that the mother was supposed to run with the baby.

— Run, man!

- You? And with Penelope?

— Yes, we bought this cart for that!

“You never run.

“Now I run. After all, I need to lose the pounds I gained with pregnancy and get back in shape.

I was still eight pounds overweight.

He stood up, putting down the financial paper he was reading, and walked towards me.

“I don't think you should take Penelope.

“Don't tell me what I can and can't do, Steve, we've been through this! I pointed a pointed finger at her face.

“When do we talk about it?

“Well, we're talking now. I'm a modern mom who can run with her baby.

“I'm not saying it can't be. Just that I've never seen you running and now you want to start taking our two-month-old daughter!

“She has to get used to the mother she has. A fitness mom.

This time Steve started to laugh, not even hiding it.

- Why are you laughing? I didn't tell any jokes.

— Since when is fitness?

"Since I gained weight to carry your daughter!" I accused. — Now get out of my way, I want to take advantage of the good weather.

- Natasha...

— Get out, Steve!

Defeated, he got out of my way and I happily followed the quiet street we lived on in Hampstead.

Autumn was almost over, and at that time of the morning it was usually pretty cold, but today the sun had come out and the weather had warmed up a little, making it more than ten degrees. I smiled, checking on Penelope who was dozing quietly. And I quickened my pace, starting my run. Feeling like a really badass mom and I would get in shape very soon.

But ten minutes later, he was literally dying out of breath.

What the fuck was that sun?

Another ten minutes and my legs were barely able to stand, and without strength, I fell into a garden, taking my cell phone and texting Steve to come rescue me.

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