Chapter 46

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Finally, Paris!

I twirl around the magnificent suite at the Ritz, laughing to myself. I can't believe I'm in this wonderful hotel. And for my honeymoon!

And if that wasn't enough, my new husband is gorgeous and will soon be here with me to kick off the most amazing post-wedding sex session ever.

I look at myself in the mirror again, wearing a pink lace and silk Victoria's Secret ensemble. Wow, I'm so sexy! Steve is going to faint with excitement when he sees me. No, better not faint. It's enough that I got sick on my wedding night. Today everything has to be perfect.

I had thought of everything down to the smallest detail!

I pull out my phone and check my spreadsheet, which I've titled "Natasha and Steve's Honeymoon Schedule." Yes, besides being sexy as hell, I'm also super organized now that I'm a married woman. In addition to being a successful professional, it is worth remembering.

Steve would be here any minute and then we'd have sex against the door. And then on the couch (I put a question mark in the “positions” column, because I wasn't sure which one yet) and finally in the oversized bathtub in the Ritz's fancy bathroom.

Then we would have dinner at L’Arpège to celebrate Valentine’s Day, because I had seen on Google that he was one of the hottest in town!

Yes, for today everything was already planned and only Steve arrived.

Besides, wasn't he supposed to have arrived already?

I'm already wondering where the hell he's been when the cell phone rings.

“Steve, where are you? “I don't even bother to be nice, because my makeup is already melting with anxiety.

"I'm on my way to the Louvre!" His voice reaches me in exasperation.

- Like this? I'm here in our suite waiting for you! Steve, didn't you get the spreadsheet?

— Yes, I received your ridiculous spreadsheet and I am just following your instructions!

I roll my eyes impatiently. Steve had laughed when I'd sent him the spreadsheet a few days ago and called me overreacting. But I didn't want to miss a single moment of our trip, as we were only going to spend a weekend in the city. After all, my husband's workaholic would have to go back to work on Monday.

— Louvre? What are you doing there? It was supposed to come to the hotel!

- No. I read the spreadsheet! It read: at 3 pm at the Louvre.

"Why would I send you to the Louvre?" We had to be having sex now! And by my calculations, it was supposed to be on the couch round!

- No. It says Louvre! What the fuck, Natasha, I knew this spreadsheet wasn't going to work!

“You must have seen it wrong! Can't you even interpret a spreadsheet, Steve? What a goddamn CEO are you that doesn't even know how to stick to a schedule?

"How can I know what's on your crazy mind?"

“It's okay, right. Let's not argue. I take a deep breath, thinking fast. I'm not going to let that little misunderstanding caused by Steve's stupidity get in the way of our honeymoon. “Look, we can still make it work.

“Okay, I'll ask the driver to take me to the hotel.

“No, stay there! “Suddenly I have a brilliant idea.

- Because?

"Because I'm going to find you!" Wait for me in the Tuileries Garden, okay?

— Natasha, honestly, I'm tired from the trip, better go to the hotel.

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