Chapter 6

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As soon as the Rogers family gets into their respective cars after enthusiastic goodbyes, which I took the opportunity to hug Steve's waist and cling to him like a passionate little bride, Steve lets go of my arms with a look of few friends.

Oh, what a pity. I was really enjoying being glued to him, smelling his delicious scent.

“It wasn't so bad. I try to remain optimistic, but I can tell by his annoyed expression that he doesn't think like me.

- Could have been better. He walks to the car with purposeful steps and I follow.

- Of course you could, if you just tell the truth, then none of this would be necessary! I tease and Steve shoots me a death glare before getting into the car.

I shut up, after all, I don't want you to threaten to shut my mouth with some flammable object again!

I get into the car too and remain silent, admiring her profile, which is deep in the traffic.

"Do you really have to stare at me?" he growls at one point and I let out a laugh.

“It's a good view.

He stares at me impatiently as he parks on a shopping street.

- What?

- Nothing! — I deconvert. Didn't he know he was drop-dead gorgeous?

Steve should have women drying him all the time.

- Where are we? I thought when you told your family we had a commitment it was just to lose them.

- This too. He gets out of the car and I do the same, noticing that we're on one of Chelsea's finest streets, the neighborhood he lives in. And I see Steve, dumbfounded, stepping into none other than Tiffany!

“Why are we here? 'I follow, stunned.

“You need an engagement ring.


- Are you serious? I almost scream and a salesgirl approaches with a polite smile.

"How can I help you?"

“We need an engagement ring,” Steve replies matter-of-factly, as if he's ordering coffee at the bakery.

The girl's smile widens.

"Oh, congratulations, what kind of stone do you prefer?"

- Diamond! I unintentionally let go and Steve looks at me with narrowed eyes.

I shrug, red.

- She asked!

The girl doesn't seem to notice the tension that emanates from him and goes to the counter, placing a display of several diamond rings in front of us.

Oh my!

— What size do you prefer? “She starts to show several stones, one more ostentatious than the other.

I glance at Steve and he looks a little impatient, tapping his long fingers on the glass on the counter. I think he's thinking about making up for the family that our dog ate the ring.

Wait! We don't have a dog.

Maybe I can make it up that it fell down the toilet or something.

- And then? the saleswoman asks in front of our silence.

- Anyone.

The girl now looks at Steve, shocked.

“Darling, I'm sure it's important to me. I touch his hand on the counter and he gives me that psychopath look.

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