Chapter 50

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When I get out of the cab in front of the bistro, I freeze, not knowing how to tell Steve something very unexpected.

I still can't even think straight, to be honest.

I bought the test and asked the clerk if I could use the bathroom and a few minutes later I got the scariest confirmation of my life.

And now I just wonder how Steve will react.

Not to mention the one important thing he had to tell me.

What if I were to tell you I was a bigamist? That he had another family in Korea?

What if he had joined a Kpop group and wanted to tell me that he was now the eighth member of BTS?

Or worse, that he was going to change sex and be called Stella from now on?

— Natasha? I lift my head and Steve is in front of me. - All right? I was worried. - He approaches.

“Yeah, I am, I mean, oh Steve, no, I'm not all right.

- What's wrong with you? Are you feeling sick again? He touches my shoulders.

“No, but… I think I might be sick from now on. I…” I take a deep breath and gather my courage, holding his gaze. “Steve, I'm pregnant.

“I think I already knew. - He smiled.

- What? I yell, taking a step back.

“I think I got suspicious when you started vomiting this afternoon. And all that eating. She looks a lot like Florence. — He quotes his sister-in-law who had just discovered the pregnancy.

"And... Aren't you freaking out?" Aren't you running away?

“Why would you run away, Natasha? He touches my face again. “It's unexpected, for sure, but… I think I like the idea. Is that you?

I fix my gaze on his excited face. He looks happy. Genuinely happy. And not at all terrified, as I am!

Of course, he's had a few hours to get used to the idea and I've only heard the news for a few minutes.

But in my mind's eye I picture a baby like that, very much like Steve. Or rather, I remember my dream of having a daughter who would marry Prince George.

Yes, I had some kind of premunition, that's for sure!

Wow, am I a psychic?

I can already imagine myself with one of those TV shows as a medium that would meet Hollywood celebrities like Beyoncé!

— Natasha? - Steve insists and I hold his hand, opening a smile.

“I'm very scared, but I'm happy too. Holy shit, we're having a baby!

- Yes, we are going. He smiles and kisses me, but I stop him.

"And what did you have to tell me?"

“I don't think it's nearly as surprising as your novelty.

“Oh Steve, tell me soon!

— I am now one of the shareholders of DBS.

- How it is?

— I received an inheritance and decided to invest in DBS stock. Now I'm a shareholder, just like Barbara. I bought a part of your shares.
I had her on the phone now to confirm some last details.

“Oh my God, you're so powerful, Steve!

he laughs.

“Yes, I think I am. Does that turn you on, Ms. Rogers?

— Fuck yes! I pull him in for a kiss and Steve hugs me.


It's not just the best Valentine's Day ever, it's also the best honeymoon ever!

I can't wait for everything that awaits us!

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