Chapter 28

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No, I didn't kill Barbara Bailey.

But I had moments of pure terror as Steve called 911. All I could do was shake and mumble over and over, “I killed her!

I will be arrested! Oh my God, I'm going to have to wear that awful orange outfit!

Orange is not my color!”

I was really beside myself, already wondering if Steve was going to visit me in jail and how he could survive being some hardcore inmate's bitch for cigarettes. I even thought about running and throwing the rest of the linguini with shrimp in the trash, thus eliminating the evidence of my crime. And I could take advantage of it and escape through the service exit, catch a train to Amsterdam and from there to Siberia. Then the emergency arrived and took Barbara away, while Steve explained that she had been poisoned due to her shrimp allergy. And there went my chance to escape to Siberia, as Steve, still shaken, asked me to calm down and go home, as he was going to accompany Barbara to the hospital.

"Are you sure I didn't kill her?" - I still questioned, afraid, as I followed him out of the building.

— No, the emergency arrived in time. She'll be fine, okay? Go home, I'll call you later. “He put me in a taxi and left with Barbara for the hospital.

And I stayed up most of the night, waiting for him to send me news. I even considered the possibility of packing my bags in the meantime and, just in case, I also took advantage of my insomnia to research possible escape routes on the internet. It was almost four in the morning when Steve texted me saying that Barbara was fine and he was coming home.


Now I'm sitting at my desk, having arrived more than an hour late because I didn't hear the alarm go off after I went to bed only at dawn. I'm still yawning and drinking my sixth cup of coffee, trying to remember what Erin asked me to do after scolding me for half an hour for being late.

I'm dying to go up to the twentieth floor and talk to Steve, even though I know it's not a good idea.

"Natasha, are you sleeping?" I start to hear Erin's voice and when I open my eyes she's beside me, slamming her shoes on the floor with an annoyed look.

Shit, I had actually fallen asleep sitting up.

I blink for cover and open my calendar.

“Of course not, I was… meditating.

- Meditating?

“Yes, you should do that too. It is very good for emotional balance.

— Do you think it's appropriate to meditate during work hours?

'It was only for a minute!' Look, I'm already checking my errands…” Too late, I realize Erin is reaching out and, as if in a nightmare, I notice that my schedule is open to the page where I took my notes about Steve yesterday. And without my being able to stop it, she picks it up and starts to find out.

“Let's see what we have here.

I hold my breath, my stomach starting to ache and wondering if I've scribbled the words "engagement," "blowjob," and "orgasm" enough.

I hope so.

"Um, what project is this?" She stares at me for a moment and returns her attention to her notes. — “Points to be discussed with SR for the smooth running of project E”? She reads it aloud and looks at me again. “We don't have any E projects! And who the hell is SR?

“Yeah, I—” “Damn, I can't think of anything!

Erin reads aloud again:

— “Point 1: I don't agree with SR's reaction after the conference in which I used my oral skill very well. SR should thank me for the satisfactory end of the conference and not get angry. Giving back would also be a good idea.”

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