Chapter 30

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Life could be perfect yes.

I had a nice job (ok, my boss hated me, but seriously, who got along with the boss? I'm sure I was just another one in the statistics), I had health (yes, that's important, although the people don't stop to think about this department until something goes wrong, for example, when I broke my ulna bone... oops, I forgot it's a made-up story. Anyway...), I have good friends (I mean, I don't have that many friends, but Hill and Holly are great roommates. For example, Holly is filthy rich and has a wonderful closet full of designer clothes, which she always lends me… or I can borrow without her knowing, it's all the same. and put it right back where it belongs. And Hill got me the job at DBS, although I think it had to do with me being late on rent for a few months. Not to mention she always does my laundry.) and, Of course, best of all: I have an amazing fiancé!

Steve is my fiancé and I can't get enough of screaming from the four winds the last few days!

Okay, not quite. He still has the discretion thing and all, so when I say shout, I mean I write in caps lock on the fake profile
that I created on Instagram to put pictures of my fiancé taken in moments that he is not seeing. Of course I pay attention not to let his face show (his sleeping pictures are the best. There's one in the shower too). And you know what? @Noiva_do_Steve already has several followers! OK,
perhaps I took a risk in putting that suggestive name, but who is going to link the name to the person, as they say? I'm not breaking any rules, I'm sure. And obviously Steve has no idea about anything. Because if he finds out he'll kill me. That simple.

And I want to keep the peace that settled in our lives after all the fuss of the early days of our engagement. And what can I say? Things are really working out now! Finally!

I count the hours every day waiting for Wanda to call and ask to come over to Steve's office for another “Project E” meeting. I ignore Erin's scowl and run to lock myself in the company's CEO's office, where we spend at least two hours rocking his desk in some pretty nasty activity. Or we use the sofa. Or the rug. Or the chair. Anyway... Wanda has heard so many moans that she's convinced the spirits hate her or something. The poor thing is more upset than usual. I even started to
sorry and I tried to contain myself, but it's pretty hard to do the silent line with Steve Rogers.

To reward her, I went to lunch with her at the cemetery and even pretended to read that book of spirits.

Steve asked me what was going on with Wanda as he arrived at the office and found her kneeling in front of her desk with her arms raised as she muttered "Oh dear spirits, I'm here, you can whisper now." and I was forced to tell what I had done. Steve got pissed off and said that from that day on he was canceling our Project E meetings. Obviously, that resolution only lasted about twelve hours, because the next day he called me again.

The truth is, we're hopeless, and I wonder if I'll ever get tired of it. Because, in addition to all the activity at the company, we would still go to his apartment at night for a few more hours of extra activity. Unfortunately, there was only one thing that made me a little uneasy. After we had sex until I lost my strength, I always ended up sleeping, only to be woken up sometime later by Steve asking me to get dressed because he was going to take me home.

When it happened the first night I was there, I was surprised that he was sending me away saying that he “needed to work”.

"Do you work nights at your house too?"

"Of course I do," he replied, as if it were a very common occurrence, as he helped me put on my clothes, since I was still sleepy.

I thought it would happen just that one time, but he did the same thing the other nights. And I was always so high I couldn't argue and just thought about how weird it was the next day. I was always rehearsing to confront him on this subject, but we were so busy having sex when we were together that I forgot.

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