Chapter 11

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I wake up alone the next day, like déjà vu from the morning before, when I woke up totally confused in my boss's bed.

Wait: it's only been twenty-four hours since it all happened? It seems to have spent a lifetime!

For a moment I stand there, staring at the ceiling and remembering the crazy night with Steve. Dammit, he fulfilled his part of the deal. I had spent a night with Steve Rogers and what could I say? It was the best night of my life!


Had Steve enjoyed it as much as I had? He seemed to be enjoying it. But men are different from women, as I stand here fantasizing about how wonderful it would be if Steve walked through that door now, cracked that dazzling smile and said that last night was the best of his life too, he's probably just glad he had sex. easy.

I really should have insisted on going home, because now how was it going to be? Steve must be counting the hours to get rid of me. If his family were to walk out one door he would kick me out of another.

My heart plummets in my chest and I sigh heavily.

Well, I had the rest of my part of the deal to keep. So I get up, take a quick shower, and get dressed and walk out of the room.

Steve's siblings and their spouses are gathered in the kitchen, but nothing from Steve or his parents.

"Look who's woken up!" Hope sees me first and smiles, making all other eyes turn to me.

- Good Morning. I go in and grab a pot of coffee, pretending it's customary for me to wake up at Steve's house, when actually I'm a little shy about facing part of the Rogers family without him around.

— Good morning, Natasha. It's Hope's husband who answers and he looks a little shy too, looking away.

Hope is chuckling softly, hiding her face in her cup.

And when I look at Florence and Sean, I realize they're looking at me with a look full of malice.

"Looks like the night was good, huh?" Florence is the first to speak and my face instantly blushes.

"Can you still walk?" Sean laughs and I definitely want to die. “From the screams we heard yesterday, I thought I was going to show up in a wheelchair.

“Sean! Florence slaps her on the shoulder, but she's laughing too, and so are the others. Even Scott, though he doesn't look me in the eye.

My goodness, what a shame!

"Did you hear?" I ask mortified.

'I think all of London heard it,' Hope confirms, amused.

“Oh shame…oh God, your parents heard! "I had to get out of there, like this, now!"

- Do not worry. My parents have trouble sleeping outside the house and take pills that make them black out,” Sean replies and sighs in relief.

- Thank God! And where are your parents and Steve?

— Mom and Dad went for a walk in the park and Steve, I think he's in the office, you must know he's a workaholic! Hope says in a critical tone. “I thought I'd leave it out since you're here.

I smile yellow.

"Yeah, I suspected," I lie. How was I supposed to know Steve worked until Sunday? "Well, I'll try to get him out of there!"

- Do it! Hope says. "We need to decide where to have lunch."

"In the meantime, are we going to go to the park too?" Sean suggests and everyone else nods, leaving to get their coats.

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