Chapter 45

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'What is she doing here?' Hill whispers to me, seeing Wanda walk through the doors of Primark, the department store we're at that afternoon.

“I still feel guilty about all the lies I told her,” I whisper, “and yesterday, she came over to the house to get some documents Steve asked for and she was all tense and upset with me. So I invited her to come shopping with us today.

"Isn't she the crazy one who sees ghosts?" – Holly asks.

“Guys, shut up, she's coming…” I flash a huge welcoming smile. — Hi Wanda, how nice of you to come!

She tries to smile, but it's like seeing Vandinha Adams trying to be happy.

It's very scary.

- Hey. I don't know if she should have come. Shopping is not really my favorite pastime.

- And what would be? Holly risks asking and I honestly don't think it's a good idea.

— I like going to cemeteries. Praise the spirits.

Holly grimaces in horror and Hill laughs. I nudge Maria, who swallows her laugh in a cough.

— I find it fascinating. I look at her with a knowing look. “By the way, I loved our walk through the cemetery. We must do more of this. It was so...
Picturesque. “My God, I hope she doesn't take my suggestion seriously.

- Guys, this one is beautiful! Do not you think? I look to the side and Holly is wearing a purple coat as she looks at herself in the mirror.

“You look like a clown. “I can't contain my tongue.

Holly had dyed her hair orange with a dubious dye, which caused some tufts to fall out and what remained to turn to straw.

“And those killers. What is that movie called? — I nudge Hill who tries on a bonnet next to me.

“Pennywise,” Hill replies absently.

- This! That hideous clown who rips off little children's arms when he comes out of the manhole! I knew I was reminding me of someone!

Holly takes off her coat with a horrified expression.

"Do you think it's that bad?" She touches her hair dejectedly.

Me and Hill smile.

- Of course not. — Hill does the fake.

“You could shave. Maybe do a Sinead O'Connor style. — I choose sincerity.

— Did it freak out? Hill stares at me in horror.

“No, it would be nice. I could like cosplay Sinéad, and stand on the corners singing Nothing comprares to you, it would be awesome! Maybe even Simon Cowell would swallow those words he said to you when he was on X-Factor. Have you thought? With this wave of re-recording old songs, I'm sure it would work great! I'm already seeing it, I'm going to be
friend of a famous singer! Who needs Rihanna?

“I don't want to go bald. “Holly looks like she's going to cry.

“Natasha, don't be mean! — Hill criticizes me.

"I'm just being sensible!" You make a bad hairdressing choice, Holly, and now you have to deal with the consequences. Accept! I walk out of the store, tired of dealing with Holly's crying.

Obviously only I am sensible in that group. No wonder I'm the only married one.

I sigh, remembering that fact and aim my ring at my finger for the seventh time that morning.

Yes, I am a respectable married lady.

Mrs Rogers.

Sounds so imposing! Maybe I should make everyone call me just that from now on. Maybe buy a pearl necklace and a very elegant and classic coat, in a neutral color and...

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