Chapter 16

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Steve is looking at me for an explanation as I open my mouth several times, not knowing what to say.

"You're engaged, Natasha Romanoff. Are you sure? He urges me on and I can see her gaze darkening more and more with fury.

"What do you mean, is she sure?" Erin laughs, but gives me a frown. "Aren't you?" Why would she be wearing a ring and making such a mess? Are you going to tell me that you invented this so-called engagement so that you could have privileges here, and maybe I'll forget your incompetence? Oh, I think I've seen this on a reality show...

- I'm not making it up! I defend myself, and from Steve's expression I know I said the wrong thing.

Oh, what the fuck!

"Of course I'm engaged!" - I think quickly. - What's the problem? I think the fact that I'm engaged has nothing to do with my work here, by the way, excuse me! I turn around and almost run to my desk before Steve can kill me.

"How so are you engaged?" Hill comes running up and takes my hand. "Oh my goodness, where did you steal this?" You stole it, didn't you? My God, Natasha, you're going to be arrested! We're going to appear in the evening paper and I'll have to give a statement on how I never suspected that there was a thief sleeping in the next room and...

- Shut up, Maria! I sit down, trying to breathe.

- No, you have to explain this to me! If you didn't steal the ring, are you really engaged? From who? She doesn't even have a boyfriend!

"Maybe I do and you don't know!"

"Nobody knows, I mean?" Does that boyfriend know? Are you now one of those crazy women who get engaged to imaginary men?

- It is not imaginary!

"We lived together and I didn't know...Wait, party night guy! Her eyes light up.

"Shi, don't talk out loud!"

"I knew it, is it him?" But you guys have been together, like, for days! Does not make sense!

My God, how was I going to get rid of Hill?

I could tell it was a lie. But he would have to explain the truth and he was afraid she would let it slip to someone and then it would be much worse.

"Actually, it was pretty damning," I say conspiratorially. - Love at first sight, you know?

- Oh, counts more! Tell me more! She jumps with excitement.

OK let's see...

- We met in the company elevator the day I arrived.

- The day you arrived late!

"Yeah, I was late because we...had a little wild sex session in the elevator!

"Oh my goodness, Natasha!" "Your eyes are wide open now.

"And since then we've been having a crazy love affair. We fuck everywhere, hidden!

"In the coffee room?" I couldn't go in there last Friday and they said it was cleaning...

"It was us!"

"And where else?"

"In the file room... in the bathroom..."

- Male or female?

- Both of us!

- Wow! And how has no one ever seen it?

- I am discreet! I say smugly, turning on my computer.

- But, who is it? You have to tell me...

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