Chapter 20

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Nothing makes the smile leave my face that day.

Nor is Erin having a tantrum all morning as we organize the press conference for the launch of the DBS app.

It's actually a really cool app called discount and it will act as a community for people to get cheaper prices on online shopping. The app notifies you of hot deals, compares prices and a bunch of other really cool things that I didn't have time to memorize.

And when everything is finally ready, Steve appears with other members of the board and everyone stays alert as he greets the journalists.

“You look beautiful today, Natasha. Alan stops by my side, disrupting my moment to dry off my secret fiancé.

Yes, I have a fiance. And secret!

I'm feeling like I'm in an episode of Grey's Anatomy where Meredith sneaks up with Derek in the elevator.

“Thank you, Alan.

- And everything is fine? I mean, with your fiance and stuff. He points at my finger without the ring.

Yes, I had left the ring at home, after all, my “engagement” with Steve ended at Christmas.

Now he could get back to my finger! And for real!

“Oh yeah, I just left it at home today.

- I understood. "He looks heartbroken."

"Natasha, may I know what the fuck this is?"

Erin emerges spitting fire as she holds some papers, and I suspect she's only just realized that she printed my speech and not hers.

- What's it? — I play innocent.

“This crap isn't the speech I wrote!

“I know,” I say calmly.

- What the fuck?

“It was the speech I sent Steve. And you must remember that he approved!

"But that's not what I ordered!"

— Yes, this one was written by me and it is infinitely better than yours.

Now her eyes seem to spark too, like in cartoons.

"May I know what you thought you were doing?"

- What is happening? Steve approaches. "Erin, are you ready?" Two minutes to go.

- I'm not! Natasha blew it!

Steve looks at me stunned.

- What happened?

"She changed her speech!" She sent you the wrong speech, it's not what I wrote!

— The speech I approved was perfect. I do not understand!

— That's not what I wrote! She had the unfortunate idea of ​​rewriting a speech without my permission and sending it to you.

Steve looks at me seriously.

- You did it?

— I did, hers wasn't good!

— Ah, what an impertinence! I will fire her! Right now!

“Erin, wait. We don't have time for that kind of fuss right now.
You need to get up there and give the presentation!

"Yes, I know, but I'm not giving her speech!" He points an accusatory finger at me.

- Right. Where is your text? Steve asks.

She picks up the tablet, types quickly and shows it to Steve.

“Here is the official speech! “She almost spits the 'official' in my face.

I just know that if Steve doesn't realize hers is complete rubbish, I'll quit myself.

Steve reads in silence, and when he's finished, he glares at Erin.

"It's awful."

Erin's face falls to the ground.

I refrain from laughing.

Here, you cow!

- But…

“We don't have time right now. Go up there and give the presentation that Natasha did.

- I do not…

"Are you going to refuse?" If not, Natasha will do it herself.

Oh shit. I'm not prepared for that, no!

"No, she's been here a week, she can't!"

“Yes, I agree, so you're going to swallow your pride, go upstairs and present the app with Natasha's speech. And then I should thank the
she for having greatly improved her mediocre text.

Erin looks like she's going to burst red, but she grabs the text and climbs onto the stage.

Steve stays by my side as she starts to give the presentation.

“Nice job,” he whispers and I smile happily.

- Thanks.

“Your text is amazing. You shouldn't be surprised, you're really good with words.

“I'm good at a lot of things, Rogers.

“I know, Romanoff. He smiles and I manage not to jump on him.

That “discreetly” thing is going to be very difficult.

As soon as Erin finishes, Steve goes upstairs and starts answering the questions.

Erin stops beside me looking unfriendly. However, he doesn't open his mouth to say anything.

“You're welcome,” I tease, mentioning the “thank you” she should have told me, as Steve suggested.

"You're pretty happy, aren't you?" Well, know that I have my eye on you, Romanoff.

Oh, what a witch!

Suddenly I hear a buzz and everyone seems to be looking at their cell phone screens and whispering.

"Natasha, have you seen the last one?" 'Hill stops beside me.

- What's it?

“It seems there was an extraordinary shift in the 'who is Natasha Romanoff's fiance' bet?

"Still this?" Don't you give up?

— And you don't know the greatest! Billy from security, the one in the surveillance room, you know? That we spy on the monitors? You just made a huge bet and do you know who?

Oh my God!

I have a strong feeling.

Elevators have cameras.

Holy shit!

— In Steve Rogers!

Oh shit.

Now it's chipped for good.

Therethe discreet engagement is gone.

And now?

rumor has it that this may be the last chapter.😳

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