Chapter 68

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“It's all so beautiful, Hope! I exclaim when I arrive that afternoon, my eyes catching the details of the decor. At Steve's insistence, the party is taking place on the top floor of the building, where a super exclusive restaurant operates.

And I realize now, the place where I was almost a year ago, at the DBS Christmas party, with a very important mission in mind: to win Steve Rogers, the unattainable CEO with whom I was in love.

Suddenly I am transported to that day. My sultry brocade dress, my urge to drink every drink at the party while trying to get all the information out of Alan about Steve. That was the day I found out Steve had a strict rule never to date female employees. And where it all went wrong when Erin, my former witch boss, forced me to change my beautiful dress for hers, a hideous model, after I spilled booze on hers. I still remember my disappointment, seeing Steve from afar, so beautiful and more unattainable than ever.

But in the end, what I considered a wasted night turned out to be the most important night of my life, when on the run from a harassing colleague, I got into Steve's car, completely drunk, and fell asleep there to wake up in his bed the next morning, without even thinking about it. remember what had happened.

Who would have thought his family would catch me and mistake me for Steve's fiancée? In fact, a bride that didn't exist, because Steve invented an imaginary commitment to escape the family's insistence that he get married.

And that's where our story began. Steve making me an offer to be his fake fiancée.

What he didn't know was that I was already crazy about him and I wasn't going to waste that opportunity and I made a counterpoint to him: I wanted to spend a night with him.

I smile, remembering Steve's surprised face. And the butterflies in my stomach when he accepted.

Nothing was the same afterwards.

And here we are. Really married.

With a daughter on the way.

I sigh happily, running my hand over my stomach.

- You liked it? – Hope asks excitedly. “I thought I was upset with Steve for not letting me do it in the DBS meeting room.

“I was, but he was right. Here it is much more appropriate. And it brings me good memories.

'What brings you good memories?' “Steve joins me.

- This place. This is where I took them all and then passed out in his car.

“I remember Erin in her dress. And how much she complained about you spilling booze on her dress and that's why they had to change.

"Have you really never noticed me?"

“I didn't spend my days drying the workers, Natasha.

“But you were drying Erin's legs in that short dress, I bet!

he laughs.

“Erin had nice legs, I'll admit.

I grimace.

"Beautiful on the outside and rotten on the inside!"

— I think you're right, now stop talking about Erin, her guests are already arriving.

- I am so happy! Thank you for agreeing to release everyone!

I know the Baby Shower was something the pregnant woman's friends did and usually only women were invited, but I insisted to Hope that mine was different. I wanted something big and with all my colleagues at DBS in attendance, whether they were men or women. When the baby was born I would go on maternity leave and I would miss them.

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