Chapter 59

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The next morning, I'm drinking coffee while watching the news on my phone, waiting for Natasha to get ready, when she surprises me walking into the
kitchen in a hurry.

- What's it?

- I'm going! Justin is arriving and has nowhere to park! She takes her coat and puts it on.

- Like this? Did he come for you?

"Oh, did I forget to tell you yesterday?" We arranged for him to pick me up, because we need to talk about the meeting!

"I thought we were going to the meeting together!"

“It will make a lot more sense if I go with Justin. We still have to adjust some details.

"But it's still eight in the morning!" The meeting is at 10 am at Harvey's.

— Yes, let's have breakfast together, while we work out some details and then we go! She comes over and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. - See you there!

It takes only ten seconds after she's closed the door behind her, to snap out of my stupor and, trying to calm my suspicion, grab my car keys and run.

Screw this.

That bizarre friendship shit between Justin and Natasha is already reeking of something I don't want to name, but as much as I tell myself it's absurd, I can't get it out of my head.

The guy is handsome.

Not only handsome, but intelligent, elegant, kind and cultured.

He's teaching her what she knows, and making her his ward.

Natasha is clearly enamored of him.

In love, wasn't that the word she used?

She spends more hours with this guy than she does with me.

Her husband.

Her child's father.

The one that had been blown up yesterday and she hadn't even cared.

The old Natasha would have freaked out. She would have forced me to take Viagra, or she would have started weaving her crazy theories about marriage crises.

But she had just turned her back very calmly and accepted.


Why was there a giant dick guy working with her now?

Damn, I know I'm the one freaking out with those suspicions, but what can I think?

I know Natasha. She is impulsive.

And he doesn't stop until he gets what she wants. She becomes obsessed.

She's malicious and got me, the guy she had a crush on, the guy who said he'd never get involved with an employee, let alone get engaged to her, to become her husband.

And now it looks like her interest is elsewhere.

But would she be able to betray me?

I'm not a romance girl, Steve, she'd said.

Fuck, I have to get this out of my system.

I get in the car and pull out of the garage in time to see Justin's car pulling up and Natasha getting in.

I follow them around, trying to contain the urge to rear-end that bastard's car, pull him out of the car by the collar, and bang his head on the hood until he tells me exactly what the fuck he's doing to my wife.

But I'm not like that. I'm not impulsive.

I'm cold and calculating when I want to.

And now I want to find out what the hell is going on.

A few minutes later, they pull up in front of a... Lingerie store?

What the fuck?...

The two get out of the car. Natasha hooks her arms through Taylor's.

My pulse races with jealousy.

I wait for the two to enter the store, a famous brand of sexy lingerie, and I do the same.

In my mind's eye I remember Natasha blatantly lying. "We're going to have breakfast and get ready for the meeting."


I roam the halls, looking for them. I spot Justin sitting on a couch. And then I see Natasha stepping out of one of the dressing rooms, wearing a black corset and strutting around in front of Justin, who appreciates her.

- What the hell is that? — I advance towards them, with murderous urges.

Natasha and Justin turn to me, surprised.

“Steve, what are you doing here? – Natasha asks.

"I think I'm the one who has to ask that question!" What the fuck are you doing parading around in lingerie in front of this guy? She lied to me saying she was working! What else have you lied about, Natasha? Was she really working yesterday? Or when she said she was shopping, having lunch? Or was she parading around in lingerie or God knows what else? She knew there was something, good thing she followed you...

“Did you follow me? What the fuck are you saying?

“Hey Steve, calm down. Justin gets up, but I push him away.

"You son of a bitch, what are you doing to my wife!" I'm going to break his face and then I'm going to cut his giant cock off...

— Steve, for God's sake, stop it — Natasha gets in front of me! 'Have you gone crazy?'

- I stayed? So how do you explain everything that's been going on, Natasha? Why are you wearing lingerie in front of your boss?

"You think I'm having an affair with Justin?"

- Think?


“Steve, you idiot. "She pushes me!" "I can't believe she's thinking that of me!"

“Steve, I'm sorry if you think that, man, but I'm not having an affair with Natasha…” Justin interjects.

"Do you want me to believe it?" Do you think it's normal for your secretary to parade like this in front of you?

“Steve, stop being ridiculous! Justin is gay! Gay, you idiot!


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