Chapter 40

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My head was going to explode before this day was over.

Everything bad that could happen happened, and I just wanted to get through the day without freaking out. And there was very little left.

For a person who bragged about being in complete control of his life, I was totally lost.

First the Erin scandal, then the Barbara, Brady, and Collin ultimatum, and to top it off, I caught Natasha slashing my tires like the psychopath I always suspected she was. And she broke up with me.


My mind was totally messed up! For a moment, as Natasha stood there, laughing and calmly saying it was over, I suspected it was some joke. She couldn't be serious!

However, she insisted. And even she provided very reasonable arguments.

Weren't they the same ones that crossed my mind when Barbara cornered me in the meeting room? Who could tell if we were really right for each other? Natasha is completely crazy and impulsive, while I am controlled and cold.

So, aside from the amazing sex, would there be anything left in the end?

What if I was throwing away everything it took me years to build just for a passing passion?

Then I saw her turn her back and say goodbye. And something inside me rebelled at that image.

No. She wouldn't leave. Not yet.

I'm not a guy to give up easily. I didn't get where I'm giving up.

We would find a way.

I would take her somewhere where I could convince her to have a frank, grown-up conversation. One that didn't involve stilettos. I would tell her about the shareholders' proposal and together we would come to a consensus.


However, I had to let her go when her mother called to say that her grandmother was sick. I wanted to accompany her because regardless of whether we were okay or not, she looked seriously distraught and sad. However, when Wanda called me, I remembered that she still had a job to do.

And at that moment, it was like a flash in my mind.

Natasha and work, one on each side. And I have to choose.

I let her go because, at that moment, there was nothing I could do. So I put on my most terrifying expression and went to the boardroom, trying to quell the tide of gossip and ruckus that had crept into the company since Erin's outbreak.

And I didn't even want to remember Erin, who was brought into my office afterwards, totally groggy from painkillers. Barbara reiterated her resignation, offering him a hefty severance package. Erin ended up nodding to everything as she drooled lightly.

God only knows what will happen when she is no longer high on drugs. As a precaution, the nurses would keep her under constant surveillance. And DBS security had been warned that her presence at the company was prohibited.

By the time I got to the meeting room, the place had turned into a circus, where everyone was talking at the same time and making ridiculous speculations about me and Natasha. Fortunately, when I entered flanked by the shareholders, they fell silent and listened. I was firm and objective, I didn't go into details because it was nobody's business. I only confirmed my involvement with Natasha Romanoff, explaining that we kept the relationship a secret so as not to
interfere with our work. And I ended up warning that that subject was strictly prohibited in the hallways and in corporate emails, under penalty of dismissal.

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