Chapter 29

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“Hi, Natasha,” Wanda greets me as I enter the room with an excitement I've never seen her before. "I'm so glad you came here, I really wanted to talk to you." I brought a book I wanted to show you…” She reaches into her drawer and pulls out a black-covered book that says “Spirits Can Be Your Friend.”

“Oh, Wanda, I can't talk to you right now, although I'm really excited to see the book, of course. Steve called me to a meeting.

— Oh, meeting? There's nothing in his diary for this morning.

“He called me himself. We're working on a… special project. If you can confirm...

She picks up the phone.

“Steve, Natasha Romanoff is here and… Okay, fine.

She hangs up with a shrug.

'Yes, looks like he schedules his own meetings now!' She says annoyed.

"Could it be that he didn't know and they made her forget?" I suggest with a baleful air and Wanda's eyes widen.

“Yeah… could be.

“Okay, I'll go in.

'Keep the book! She forces me to pick it up as I pass her desk.

- Oh, I do not know.

- Please read. If you have the gift, you have to start studying the subject!

- Sure. Thanks.

I enter Steve's office quickly and close the door behind me. He's sitting at his desk talking on the phone.

“Yes, Barbara, I'm glad you're okay. He motions for me to come closer, and I obey with some hesitation.

Okay, so it looked like Steve had called me into his office for some slutty session, but after yesterday's accusations, I wasn't going to take any action. Then, when I'm close enough, he pulls me onto his lap and I swallow the urge to laugh because he's still on the phone.

- Right. Then we will meet again when you return from your trip. Until then! He says goodbye, hangs up and the next minute he has his tongue in my mouth. And I can only melt completely, trying to wrap my very eager arms around his neck.

'Mr Rogers, how daring. I smile against his lips when the kiss ends.

“It's just a kiss, Miss Romanoff. As I recall, you did much worse yesterday.

I raise my eyebrow.

- Worst?

He squeezes me a little tighter.

- Better.

I smile satisfied.

"So that's what he called me here for, to kiss me?"

“I confess that I had other, more dirty ideas, but we both know it's not a good one.

“Oh…” I don't hide my disappointment and Steve laughs.

“What a little nymphomaniac you are, eh, Miss Romanoff?

"I'm not a nymphomaniac, I'm just in love with you..."

And with a groan, he kisses me again, slowly and persuasively, leaving my head light and my body on fire.

When the kiss ends, we're both out of breath.

“It's not fair to start if you're not going to finish, Mr Rogers.

“It's not fair to be so indecent, Miss Romanoff.

"What a fine pair we are, huh?" I lay my head on his shoulder, loving his fingers in my hair.

This is how I wanted to stay forever. In his arms.

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