Chapter 67

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A few weeks later, I open the apartment door, loosening my tie, eager to see Natasha.

Today she had left early, as lately the weight of her belly made her irritable and anxious.

It won't be long before our daughter comes into the world now.

I take a good look around the room as I pass, relieved to not see any new packages, apparently Natasha has had enough of buying junk online.

I find her in the kitchen, deep in her notebook.

- What are you doing?

"I'm filling out my birth plan!" It's the information they need to know at the hospital.

"So you really gave up on the cesarean?"

- What can I do? — Snort.

She had been delighted with the ease with which Florence had her baby, but as the weeks passed, the time of delivery drew closer, as well as the discomforts of this last phase, Natasha's courage was weakening.

I approach and kiss her hair.

- Everything will be fine. Let's see what's there? I look at the screen above her head, reading what she's filling in.

My Birth Plan
My Name: Natasha Romanoff-Rogers

where to give birth

You will have a choice about where to have your baby. Your midwife or obstetrician will be able to tell you what services are available locally and advise you on any issues related to your health or pregnancy that may affect your decision.

☑ I would like to give birth at home.
☑ I would like to give birth in a “birth house”.
✅ I would like to give birth in a hospital maternity hospital.
☑ I'm still not sure where I would like to give birth.

My comments on where I would like to give birth and why:

I would like my birth to be in the same room where Princess Kate's children were born. Everyone knows that Kate gave birth in two hours and I think that would bring me luck in my first birth, besides, it would be fate if my daughter was born in the same room as her (probable) future husband.


“Natasha, that's not possible!

'But they asked!

"And stop talking about our daughter marrying George!" She looks like Sophia, with a fixed idea with royalty!

"Stop being a nuisance!"

I go to the next line.


Having a company you can lean on and who can support you in childbirth can be helpful. It has been shown to reduce the need for pain medication.

☑ I would like my partner or companion to be with me during childbirth.
☑ I would not want my partner or companion to be with me during childbirth.
✅ I'm not sure yet if I would like my partner or companion to be with me during childbirth.


- Like this? I ask confused. "Of course I'll be with you!"

“You're too bossy, Steve, I don't know if I want you to be a bully with me when I'm at birth.

"Of course I'll be with you!" If not me, who would it be? Your mother?

“I thought about Justin.

- No way! I am the father, and I will be by your side.

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