Chapter 36

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That was an unusual day to say the least.

I glance at my cell phone as I wait for the elevator to go up to Steve's apartment. Damn, I'm really late. Nine passes and then I would die with him, I would die with him, and then I said that I would die there at seven. But I was very busy.

Yes, I, Natasha Romanoff, was busy.

And not busy reading the latest Kardashians gossip on the People website or filing your nails while battling over which nail polish of the week. I well thought out and in inches was in practice like meetings I set up for. So far I don't know how I managed to put it all together so quickly. I meant it when I complained to Steve that we didn't even go out to lunch and, to be honest, I didn't even have a coffee break! It was a real miracle. When I received an authorization in a formal email from Steve (and with a copy to none of the shareholders, so I don't think there was any malicious comment) I was very excited. I was safe!

Steve was very direct in the email: I, Natasha Romanoff, was authorized to continue Roman. And not Erin.

Which reminded me that he said he would fire her. Was he serious? I couldn't say that I wouldn't be quite happy if that actually happened. Just imagining Erin coming back and catching me in her office made me want to throw up with fear.

She was going to kill me, to say the least. Maybe she'd come back using crutches and use them to beat me up while laughing like the madwoman she was.

So if Steve really is a layoff, that would be great for me, why lie? Not just because Erin didn't do anything with her life but torment me, but also because I discovered that she was loving my work.

Yes, I've been working for a full minute, I left the company way too late, and I loved every single one! I only gave the day for closed messages because Steve started to send more and more impatiently.

And let's face it, who's going to keep Steve Rogers waiting?

I couldn't wait to be alone with him.

So now I get out of the elevator and I run to his door, which opens before I even knock and he's been dying all day: to jump on top of him.

Steve laughs as he holds me and as he slams the door behind him he kisses me at the same time.

Damn, na minhat, I think you crash, na minhat! - complain when I take my mouth from his.

It's my turn to laugh, my hands neatly positioned in his hair.

"Not breaking the ulna bone is fine!"

He laughs and kisses me again, this time deep and slow, making my skin crawl from my toes to the last strand of hair. And my mind is spinning and my legs turn to jelly as he lets go of me.

- Wow! I mutter and open my still misty eyes to realize he'd felt me ​​carried into the room without me or him. 'How did you do it?'

Steve lets out a laugh over the dressing gown, taking my clothes off.

Ah yes.

I bite my lips, eager to take it off and help him into his clothes as well, until there's nothing left between my fingers and his skin. Between his mouth and my skin.

Oh, it seems like it's been years since he's kissed me like this, marking my skin with bites and licks and leaving me melting and gasping for more.

For everything.

“You're good at this, Mr Rogers.” I sigh as he rolls me onto my stomach and plants wet kisses down my back.

— I have motivation. He bites my shoulder and I lift my hips at the feel of his erection.

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