Chapter 37

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Is this a good time for me to fake a swoon?

My stomach is churning and I can barely breathe as I drag my eyes across the lobby and register the faces of some of my co-workers in different types of expressions: Hill is in shock; Angie covered her mouth with her hand and her eyes darted from me to Erin, frantic, waiting for the mess to unfold; Benjamin is filming with his cell phone; and Alan is coming towards us all worried.

"Guys, what is she talking about?"

I think it's Rachel who's asking; I can only see Erin advancing toward me with murderous hatred in her eyes.

“You heard! she continues, her voice taking on a poisonous edge that makes my face flush red and my heart race with fear.

This can not be happening! I search my mind for a way out and all I can think is that maybe running away is the best solution.

“Natasha Romanoff is sleeping with Steve Rogers! And she planned it all to harm me! To take my place.

"Dude, she's so crazy!" Benjamin laughs, as if something there is funny!

His laughter snaps me out of my paralyzing terror state and I force the air out of my lungs.

“Erin, you're delusional! I say with my best disapproving expression. "How could you invent such a thing?" Me and Steve? I let out a laugh. "Where did you get this nonsense from?" All right, we all understand that you must be under the influence of the powerful drugs they gave you in the hospital, don't we?

"It's explained, she must be pretty high on morphine." Benjamin continues laughing and recording.

- I'm not crazy! Erin snaps, furious. "I'm not making anything up either!"

"Maybe it was the spirits!" someone whispers and I spot Wanda's pale face among the onlookers. “They talk to me too, Erin, only they don’t always speak the truth…

— Yes, poor thing, so out of it! - I take the opportunity to hold Erin's arm, trying to get her out of there. "Come with me, we'll take care of you."

“Oh, shut up! Erin yells, ignoring my attempt to stop her. “Get your hands off me, you ambitious, lying nymphet! And, to my horror, she lifts her crutch and smacks it at my head.

- There! I duck, trying to protect myself from the crutch's murderous blows. It still takes a few hits before anyone manages to push Erin and her fury off me.

I bring my hand to my forehead, groaning in pain. Damn, if it's not to hit the headboard, it's not worth it!

— Guys, she wants to kill Natasha! someone yells.

— Where are the security guards? Alan tries to hold on to Erin, who is still trying to hit me.

— Should I call the police? Angie asks.

"Get out of the way, you're interfering with my video!" Benjamin pushes Phil, who has gone to help Alan hold Erin.

“Let's all say a prayer for the obsessing spirit to leave our friend Erin's body. Wanda kneels down with her hands up.

My God!

It's chaos.

Hill is touching my arm and asking if I'm okay. I ignore her and turn away, ready to do what I should have done a long time ago.

Run and escape!

But I freeze in place when I see Steve walking in with the three DBS shareholders.

Well, it could always get worse!

- What's going on here? — Steve assesses the chaotic situation.

And I think he understands very well what's going on even before Erin screams again, now with a satisfied smile on her face.

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