Chapter 83

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Something very strange is happening and I just haven't figured out what it is yet. Or something is an understatement. It's all pretty weird actually, like I'm on one of those LSD trips I once experienced on a college trip. At that time, with some friends, we were partying in Amsterdam and I thought it would be a good idea to try it out. I didn't remember a thing at all about what had happened, but some friends recorded my acid trip as I ran along the canalside singing some hideous Spice Girls song. And I had even performed. My friends called me Posh Spice for an entire year. I had hated that experience because completely losing control of my actions was something I hated. But that's how I feel now. In fact, that's how I've felt since yesterday when I woke up lying in the snow.

First, I couldn't find my cell phone anywhere. Had they stolen or lost? I had no idea.

I decided to go to DBS because something made me feel like I had work to do there. But when I arrived I couldn't find my notebook.

It should probably be in my apartment.

Still dazed, I left the company, empty at that time, and drove through a lit London for Christmas. I remembered that the next day was DBS's Christmas party, which in my opinion was a total waste of time as the employees got too excited and the week after that, before Christmas, they became useless and lazy. God forbid if it did any harm. I was the CEO of the company for six months and I worked hard to get where I am and I wouldn't let any Christmas-alienated staff spoil it.

Irritated by this thought, instead of going home, I changed the path and went to a pub. Yes, drinking a pint would be a good thing. Maybe find some interesting girl to take home...

This thought had left me with a strange feeling of unease rather than the excitement I'd expected to feel, but I let it go and walked into the pub in Notting Hill.

If I had my cell phone, I could call Henry to come find me, he lived nearby, but with the cell phone lost, I gave up on the idea.

I ordered a pint and let my gaze wander around, catching me on a few girls in a circle nearby. One of them looked at me and waved. I really thought I was going to get along a lot faster than I thought and even though I didn't feel too eager to flirt with the smiling girl who approached me, I did my best to smile back.

“Hi Steve.” She surprised me by saying my name.

I had frowned, intrigued. Did I know her? I couldn't remember.

- We met?

"It's me, Holly!" Natasha's friend...

She spoke amusedly as if that should make any sense.

Who the hell was Natasha?

"I don't think so... maybe you're confusing me..."

I shrugged it off, trying to pull away, smiling at a red-haired girl who was clearly staring at me from the counter next to me. That Holly person could be some crazy person and I definitely didn't like crazy women.

- Hey, how's it going? I greeted the redhead.

"Steve, are you really going to act like this?" The Holly woman continued to my astonishment. "Are you going to pretend you don't know me?" My God, you're here flirting with this girl... Oh what a motherfucker!

I turned around, wanting to send that crazy girl, who thought she knew me, to shit, but she was already moving away and kept gesturing and pointing at me next to the circle of friends, now they all had their indignant eyes locked on me.

“Gee, is she mad at you, is she an ex? – the red-haired girl asked curiously.

- No! I have no idea who it is...

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