Chapter 103

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Steve arrives after I've had dinner and put Penelope to bed, many hours later. I'm in bed with the TV on looking for something to watch.

- Hey. Steve enters the room.

— Well, well, if it isn't the CEO who spends Saturday working.

He raises an eyebrow at my irony.

— We really had a lot of work — he mutters taking off his shoes — sorry to miss dinner.

— You didn't miss anything, Penelope had one of her scandals because she didn't want to eat vegetables. And it didn't even matter if I said that if she didn't eat I was going to call Madeleine McCann's kidnapper to take her away.

"Natasha, for God's sake, stop scaring the girl with that story!"

He goes into the bathroom and I hear the shower turning on. I go back to looking for something to watch and end up stopping at one of those documentaries about evolution, or psychology, I don't quite understand. Steve returns to the bedroom and brings the laptop to the bed.

"Do you really have to work in bed?" I complain.

"Do you want me to go to the office?" Am I disturbing you?

“No, no, it's not. I'm just looking for something to watch... Am I in your way?

- Not alright.

I watch him, all intent on working.

— Want to get laid? I ask. Steve shoots me a look.

"Do you really want to get laid today?"

“No, I don't feel like it, but I'm asking you.

“I'm not in the mood either.

- Right.

I turn up the TV volume, pretending not to care. When did we become that dull couple? I mean, I refuse to call myself dull, but honestly, what's going on here? We have a good life, don't we? Steve and I have been together for nearly four years, we've raised a daunting young daughter, and we're both engaged in our promising careers. Sometimes he exasperates me and I exasperate him too, but that's normal isn't it? I mean, maybe Steve gets mad at me more times than I get mad at him, but he's in love with me. It is not?

"Sometimes I think I just wish you were a little more docile."

And then there was that secretary with the name of a lover.

Beautiful, sweet, perfect Peggy Parker.

I try not to create bubbles in my head. Steve's secretary may be a little Disney princess with the body of a playmate, but that doesn't mean Steve is going to fall in love with her.

“That's it for today. - Steve closes the notebook and lies down, turning off the lamp. He leans down and kisses my cheek. — Good night, Natasha.

“Good night, Steve.

I turn my attention to the TV and a psychologist is talking about relationships and I pay attention when he says something that intrigues me.

“A crush lasts an average of eight months to two years. Afterwards, either it ends, or it becomes love. And in love, eventually there may be peaks of passion again or a peaceful relationship forever...

My goodness, that's it. Our passion is over! Steve is no longer in love with me. And I'm not for him? No no. That doesn't apply to me. I still have the hots for Steve. Having sex with him is still the best sex in the world. And I just let routine and everyday life take over my life and lead me to other priorities. Like my daughter and my job. But obviously I'm crazy about Steve.

But is he still crazy about you?

I wish you were more docile, he had said, clearly comparing me to the playmate secretary princess.

If he was still in love with me, would he want to change me? He was crazy about me the way I am. Oh no. I'm not going to let that Disney secretary get the upper hand. Steve will fall in love with me all over again. Not even by force.

I get out of bed, sit in the closet with my cell phone, and dial my mother's number.

— Natasha, darling, why are you calling at this hour? All good?

“No, it's not okay, Mom.

- What happened? Is it Penelope? Did Madeleine's kidnapper take her? I told you we can't keep calling disgrace Natasha, what did I tell you about the universe? We make our own reality and...

"Mother, listen to me!" Penelope is fine. I need to know if there is any witchcraft to avoid a divorce?

- What? Wait, why is she talking about divorce? Did your father tell you something?...

"No, Mom, it's Steve!"

- What happened? Won't you tell me he lost his memory again?

“No, he's in love with his secretary.

— Are you crazy, Natasha?

“Yeah, maybe not yet, but it's on its way. I can feel, and you know I'm sensitive.

"Of course I know, this is a gift from the goddess, even though you're not like me and you haven't developed your mediumship yet and..."

"Mom, focus here!" I need Steve to fall in love with me again!

"But Steve loves you, honey..."

— It might be, but passion? I think it was! I saw the documentary, passion lasts a maximum of two years and Steve and I are past three. And if I don't, he'll soon be on the phone with that Peggy Parker girl saying he wants to be her Tampax! And then, I'll be bulimic and depressed having affairs with strange men who will sell our story to the tabloids and in the end we'll get divorced and I'll be breaking my ulna bones in some car accident, with my new lover while Steve marries that Peggy girl and she'll be queen and I I'll be dead!

"By the goddess, child!" Turn that mouth over there! ’ She starts chanting.

"Mom, stop it, are you going to help me or not?"

- Of course dear. Look, tonight we'll be getting together. It's a Sabbath and it's a full moon and it's the perfect occasion for us to get in touch with the goddess to ask her wishes to come true. She will bring her man back.

I spy the time, it's past ten. My parents live an hour from London. What the hell!

"Okay, I'm coming!"

"Honey, are you sure...

"I can't let Steve stay under the spell of the Disney Stripper princess!" If anyone is going to hex Steve, it's me! Let's go witchcraft!

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