Chapter 18

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I'm speechless for a moment, totally shocked, as the blonde measures me up and down.

What do you mean Steve's ex-girlfriend, and from what I've just remembered, his only ex, is at his engagement party with another woman? Okay it's a fake engagement, but she can't know, right?

"You look extremely surprised to see me." She smiles with rehearsed smugness, which makes me want to run a razor through her toothy mouth.

“Well, I really don't know what Steve's ex-girlfriend would be doing at his engagement party.” I blurt out my thoughts, which only makes her smile widen.

"Oh dear, hasn't anyone told you?" I'm almost family.

“Sharon, there you are! Hope appears with an alarmed expression.

"I thought you were gone!"

“Why would I go, Hope? Sharon tosses her brushed hair back. - I was invited!

- It was a mistake! “Now Florence is there too, and I understand the weird scene a few minutes ago when she threw me to dance with Sean.

It must have been because they discovered Sharon's presence.

A really uncomfortable situation, to say the least.

— I already explained that the party organizer was wrong and invited everyone on our list of friends and forgot that you are Steve's ex-girlfriend! Hope explains. — I'm sorry, Natasha, we really didn't know…

“Wait, am I no longer welcome? Sharon glares at Florence and Hope sarcastically. — Until recently, every time Steve came here, you begged me to come too.

Now I remember. She's the one ex the Rogers wanted to push Steve. The girl they thought was the perfect bride.

“Yeah, well…” Hope is red. “Things have obviously changed…

- I do not believe! I'm not welcome in your house anymore because this girl who arrived five minutes ago is here…

"She's Steve's fiancée!" Florence interrupts her.

"Which arrived five minutes ago!" And how long have you known me? I dated Steve for three years! And I've known your family all my life and…

Three years? My goodness, it was a long time!

Why did he dump her?

She sure is pretty pretty. And rich, as far as I could tell from the jewelry she wears. And she was the darling of the Rogers.

Until I showed up.

Which gives me an edge, I think.

Then I look up.

“I think you should stop humiliating yourself and get out of here. Sharon widens her eyes, outraged. "If you didn't notice, your turn has passed and you have lost!" So get your watery blond hair and get the fuck out!

Hope and Florence are stunned, while Sharon looks like she's going to explode.

— Why, you… your…

“What's going on here?…” I hear Steve's voice, which breaks off when he sees the blonde over there. "Sharon!" he exclaims in surprise.

The girl quickly recomposes herself when she sees Steve and opens an angelic smile.

How false!

“Steve darling, congratulations on your engagement! “She walks past me and hugs him.

"I didn't know you were coming." "He looks baffled."

- I would not miss such an important occasion for you for nothing! And I was just telling your fiancee how happy I am to meet you! she says, her arm still around Steve.

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