Chapter 85

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I don't know how much time has passed, whether hours, minutes or it could even be seconds, but I'm still sitting in the same position in an apoplectic state trying to understand what the picture of the crazy woman in the elevator or rather Natasha Romanoff is doing on my table — and I don't even want to try to understand who the child is, that yes, she's very cute and her hair... her hair looks like my sister, Hope.

In fact, the little girl reminds me of someone, maybe it's even Hope...

Suddenly the door opens and I look up to see the same crazy girl from the elevator entering my room.

— Hi, Steve. She cracks a smile as she slams the door behind her and takes a few steps toward my desk.

She walks sinuously and as she gets closer I notice that her smile is malicious.

I regain speech when she reaches my table.

"May I know what she's doing here?"

'What do you think I'm doing here?' Her voice has a sexy, inviting tone, and aside from all the inappropriateness, I like that sound. What is ridiculous.

“I don't really care. I lean over, turning on the computer, still wondering where I stuck my laptop, trying to ignore Natasha Romanoff's untimely presence in my office. “Anyone who needs to speak to me has to be announced by my secretary. Are you new to the company? Probably yes, because you would know this fact. So please back off and if you have something urgent ask for a time with Wanda and... what do you think you're doing? - I stop talking when I see that my words didn't make Natasha back away, on the contrary, now she's walking around the table and without me being able to imagine what the fuck is going through her mind, which I start to suspect that she really is insane, kneels in front of me. in front of my chair.

“What do you think, Steve? She giggles and dips her hand into my belt, starting to open it deftly.


For a moment I'm so shocked I can't move, while Natasha Romanoff unzips my fly, still sporting a sly grin on her face.

"Oh, does it leave you speechless?" You like it, don't you? Complains but loves when I surprise you...

“Hey, are you crazy? I can find my voice when I feel the crazy employee's cheeky fingers touching my underwear.

She laughs harder as she leans back a moment and I think she's finally come to her senses, but she continues with a smile on her lips as she busies herself with tying up her hair.

"I'm crazy about you, lucky for you!"

For a few moments, several things crossed my mind.

First, that Natasha Romanoff must have escaped from some insane asylum and that as soon as I get rid of her I'll ask Mark in HR for her file so I know exactly who I'm dealing with.

Not that there's any chance of her staying even one more day at DBS after acting this inappropriately.

But what if she's doing it with something on her mind? Yes, I've heard about female employees digging up a harassment report.

Natasha Romanoff can take millions from me and DBS.

My God, what if there are cameras filming us now?

I let my terrified gaze roam around looking for the hidden cameras. And taking advantage of my distraction, Natasha Romanoff steps forward again and I manage to push my chair back in an effort to escape her sexual assault.

- Stop it now! I scream with all the authority I can muster inside me, but Natasha continues to laugh as I push back my chair.

“What is it, Steve? If I didn't know you, would I say you're scared of me? She throws her head back, finding this very amusing.

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