Chapter 25

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For a moment, the only thing you hear in the room is the music sung in an out-of-tune tone that comes from outside.

David Bowie? Or Iggy Pop? I cannot identify…

— What is stable…? Alan finally asks, looking like he thinks he's gone mad.

Oh shit!

How were we going to get out of this now?

Steve is still holding me, and what a wait, seconds, who are waiting like da. Again!

When she was just sober, she would have to have a one-on-one conversation with Steve about balance. The relationship I was doing a lot more for that relationship than he was.

"Mr Rogers, I already told you I'm not going to suck your dick!" I yell in my groggy voice. Shit, my tongue is so heavy, so is my head.

“What the fuck, Natasha! Steve is more shocked now than before and I blink. Or try.

Fuck, is he retarded or what? Didn't understand that I was included?

“Dude, were you harassing Nat? Alan takes a nervous step inside.

Op. I don't know if it was a good idea to make up that Steve was a harassing boss.

"Calm down, Felton, it's nothing like that!"

— No, I understand correctly, Natasha is drunk and vulnerable and you are taking advantage of the situation!

“Guys...wait, I'll...” I try to jump from the sink to the two men who start to face off like MMA fighters before the fight starts. I would have fallen headfirst to the floor if Steve hadn't caught me in time.

— Let her go! Alan approaches and Steve pushes him away with his free hand.

"Don't come any closer, I'm her fucking fiancé!" Steve lets out loud and clear, and again Alan's eyes widen in astonishment.

- But what…

“Damn it, Steve, hadn't we agreed it would be a secret? — I complain.

Steve isn't listening to me.

“Exactly what you heard. I am Miss Romanoff's secret fiancé.


I wake up the next morning in my bed with a strange feeling of doom.

With great difficulty, getting up and getting into the shower and even getting dressed without throwing up or falling back into bed.

The apartment is silent as I walk out the door and manage to get into the first Nero cafe I find and order a black coffee.

And it's only when I'm on the tube on the way to Cannary Wwharf that my head starts to clear and memories of the night before come into my mind.

Oh shit. Had I really sung “Like a Virgin”?

Wait, what is Steve doing in my memories dancing the “Macarena”?

And suddenly my memory clears as if someone turned on a light inside my head and I remember everything. Yes, Alan catching us and Steve yelling that he was my fiancé.

And I think I must have nothing else later, because it doesn't remind me of anything else.

God, Steve must be so confused with me for all that confusion!

Although it's not all my fault. I'm sure I was doing well making up the Harassing CEO story and he had no business telling Alan the truth.

And now? If Alan knew, who else knew?

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