Chapter 116

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Anyway, Steve keeps urging me to stop whining and get over it. However, it's been quite difficult. With the Christmas holidays approaching, it becomes even more problematic.

Since that fateful night, I haven't spoken to Dad. Mom always calls me and seems resigned, although she doesn't deny that she is very assiduous in her rituals.

"Are you witchcraft to stop Daddy from liking dick?"

— Oh, Natasha, don't talk like that! she said tearfully.

“But it's the truth. He likes dick, just like you and me.

"This conversation is so inappropriate..."

"Oh, I didn't think it was inappropriate to bang a drum on the bedroom door while I was having sex with Steve when I took him there the first time!" This after implying that we should have anal sex!

— It was different... And he knows how difficult it has been for me. I almost wish Alexei had cheated on me with some slut...

"Wait, did he cheat on you?" Is he having sex with someone, with a man? With whom? I know? Oh, is that friend of his with the goatee, Jerry?

- No! Or at least he says he didn't cheat on me. But he's going to cheat, isn't he? Sooner or later, I'll have to get used to the fact that he's going to have a boyfriend.

"Oh, Mom, that sounds so sad!" But be firm, don't let him wear your bras...

- What? What is he talking about?

- Nothing, forget it.

- But everything is fine. ’ She had sniffled. “I'll get over it. I already signed up for one of these dating sites...

- What? Mommy!

"Want what?" For me to cry forever when your dad goes on a gay cruise?

"Dad's going on a gay cruise?"

"No, but I don't doubt anything else!"

"Oh Mom, calm down. Things will work out, you'll see, don't do anything crazy.

I had been worried about Mom, and had been trying to talk her out of the idea of joining a dating app ever since. Now I face the messages he sent me. She signed up for one of these apps, and sent me the print of the page.

“Sounds like a nightmare,” I mumble.

"Hey, Natasha, what's up?"

My colleague Alan enters the pantry smiling.

- Nothing, family problems - I whisper trying to smile too. Alan walks over to the coffee machine, watching me closely.

"Are you really all right?" I think Steve was looking for you.

"Must be to scold me." I can't even have a coffee in peace!

“That was two hours ago. And I think Hill was looking for you too, like three hours ago... Was she here all this time?

I blush ridiculously.

- No of course not. I just got here.

I fidget, annoyed that I've been caught in the act loitering in the pantry.

- You do not look well.

Alan sits across from me, interested, and I remember he had a crush on me when I joined the company four years ago, Wow, has it been that long? It seems like only yesterday that I started working at DBS and it didn't take me a week to fall in love with the unapproachable CEO I now call my husband. But that he should be supporting me and not sending me threatening messages, I realize now, looking at his cell phone. Steve has been sending me increasingly angry texts for the past two hours.

"So, do you want to talk?"

— Oh Alan, you don't know what happened — And I vent all the drama with my father.

— Hmm, it's really hard, my parents didn't accept it right away either when my brother came out of the closet.

"Is your brother gay?"

“Yes, he's two years older, Aaron.

- And you? Were you upset too? Traumatized? Did you have to go to therapy? Did you get addicted to alcohol or drugs to get over the pain?

Alan laughs.

- Of course. I was fine. It doesn't matter his sexuality, he's my brother, and I love him. In fact, I was very supportive. That's what you should be doing, Natasha.

"Do you really think so?" But it's my father! Why is he doing this to me?

“Now he's being childish, if I may say so. - I open my mouth to refute that I'm not childish, I'm too mature, but he continues. “It has nothing to do with you. I know it was unexpected, but you have to get over it. Your father has the right to live life as he sees fit. And it would be really cool if you supported him and helped him through this phase.

- What you mean? That I should accept and even encourage him to get a boyfriend?

- Perhaps yes. Don't want to see your mom and dad happy?

- Of course. My mom is even joining a dating app! See if you can? What if she meets some crazy psychopath? Or worse, that Tinder scammer who's going to scam her into selling our house to give him money, and...

— You're exaggerating, most people on dating apps are normal like you and me.

- It will be? I doubt it!

“If your mom is moving on, she should help your dad move on too.

“Oh, put it that way, I'm starting to think I was being a little immature. — I realize now that Steve was right Of course I was upset, after all, nobody wants to see their parents getting divorced. But I'm an adult, and I have to get over it and make an effort to understand.

Oh God, Daddy didn't deserve a bad daughter like me who wished the my mother's witchcraft worked and he stopped liking people with penises. Okay, daddy likes men too, what's the problem? I should be glad we have that in common. We can talk about guys! With all my experience, I'm sure Dad will benefit a lot from my tips... I can already see the two of us engaged in super productive and lively conversations about ideal penis size! Because I can't talk about these things with Steve, he's jealous of course. If it were up to Steve, I would have remained an immaculate virgin until I met the man who said he was. But Dad would be like a friend. Yes, I can do that. I can help my father enter the Bi world. And I can do better. I can redeem myself for all that time I was a horrible daughter and get you a boyfriend!

“Ah Alan, you helped me so much!

I come around the table and hug him. Alan is very red when I pull away.

Oh oh, does he still think I'm hot?

- It was nothing. He smiles shyly.

Um, Alan is cute. Is his brother too?

"Alan, is your brother single?"

He laughs.

— My brother has been married for two years.

"Oh what a pity..."

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