Chapter 17

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I'm slightly anxious as I go downstairs with my suitcase to wait for Steve.

The three days leading up to Christmas were a little bizarre, to say the least.

Because of the flurry of rumors (the betting booth was still burning until yesterday. From what I'd observed, thank God no one had the audacity to include Steve's name), I ran from him like the devil runs from the cross.

Not that it was easy. Steve seemed to be everywhere and my desire to make true the gossip about my hot spot sex
unusual in the company was immense. Not to mention that I could only remember his last words about when we were at his parents' house, where we would be allowed to be engaged to all we were entitled to.

I felt the need to fan myself every time I thought about it, despite the temperature being near zero in London.

I'm currently dragging my suitcase to the door and checking my watch anxiously.

He texted me yesterday saying I was supposed to expect him at 10am and I barely slept thinking about how it was going to be. I never looked forward to Christmas this long, not even as a kid, and I still believed that Santa Claus was going to come down our chimney and leave Barbie's house for me.

I just hoped that this Christmas was not a disappointment like those I had been when I was a child, as my ripping mother always found a way to present me with handmade toys, like a witch's house made of curtain cloth (my grandmother was pissed, because my mother destroyed the living room curtain), or magic stones she found in the streets.

The elegant car parks and I try to contain the wave of unreasonable glee as I open the door and step inside.

My smile dies when I realize Steve isn't driving.

And yes his brother-in-law Scott.


— Good morning, Natasha?

"Where's Steve?"

— Steve had an unforeseen event and couldn't pick you up, he's only going in the afternoon — he replies, starting.

"And sent you to come in his place?" 'That story was very weird.

“I was in town and he asked me to take her.

"Just you?" I want to question it, a bit rudely, but decide to keep silent. The truth was, of all Steve's family, the one I felt least comfortable with was Scott.

He always seemed to stare at me like he was sure I was a fake. He couldn't have known, could he? Or could I?

We go on in silence for a while, until I decide to start talking.

"What kind of unforeseen event did Steve have?"

- You do not know? He raises an eyebrow.

Oh shit. As Steve's fiancée I should know about these things, right?

'He didn't have time to tell me, it seems. You know how he is…” I play in the air, trying to sound convincing.

'He went to a record fair in Liverpool. They said that there he would find the one he's been hunting for a long time.

“Ah, Sex Pistols. “I remember Steve telling him he was looking for a band album when I discovered his vinyl addiction. Apparently he was really fond, having moved to another town on Christmas Eve.

'Yes, that one.

“I hope he finds it, he's been looking for a while.” I venture a knowledge I don't have to show off to Scott.

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