Chapter 53

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Finally, everything seems to be under control, I think as I turn on my laptop and check my e-mails for the day.

As I always say: I didn't reach the top for nothing. I may have strayed from my path since Natasha Romanoff came into my life, but...

Whoops, Natasha Rogers I correct myself with a smug smile. But everything was returning to normalcy, where I easily manipulated every situation.
Where I always know the end result and always have the last word. In the most absolute order.

I should have known my marriage to Natasha would be a success. I mean, there was a time when I doubted my own sanity, for insisting on marrying a somewhat out-of-control person like Natasha. Okay, kind of out of control is an understatement. Natasha is a runaway train, who goes over everything with her impulsiveness and wild stories, leaving
just a trail of confusion on the way.

And that's how she left my life. But if being with Natasha was an adventure where I couldn't predict where we were going, then too soon
I realized that there was something kamikaze about me, that instead of pushing her away, I just did everything to bring her even closer, like the wedding that was supposed to be a fake and became a real ceremony as the costume with right the honeymoon in Paris and a baby on the way.

I might have freaked out at the idea of ​​a child so soon, but what was usual when it came to my relationship with Natasha? So I assumed I was going
manage that situation like he managed DBS. And everything was going to work out, after all I was a fucking CEO. And now partner.

Fuck! I'm really good.

And I'd even gotten Natasha to forgive me after she got mad at me when I broke up with the staff party.

Of course I should also know that sex always works with Natasha. If there's one thing we're damn good at together, it's that. It was not
so how did it all start? With Natasha responding to my proposal to pretend to be my fiancée with a counterpoint that included the two of us fucking? And it was the
best deal I've ever made.

We are married. And expecting a baby.

And we had managed to avoid all the confusion that our indiscreet relationship caused in the company. Now it was just a matter of keeping a low profile about the pregnancy and not giving in to the urge I had to fuck her every time I called her into my office. Today had just been an extreme damage containment measure. I felt guilty for leaving her hurt by my scolding her colleagues and I needed Natasha to forgive me and understand that I was in charge.

I may be in love with her and very much looking forward to everything we live together in our new married life, but I am still the CEO (and partner) of this company. And now more than ever I have to demonstrate my authority and ability to keep everyone and everything in line.

— Steve!

Wanda's cavernous voice at the living room door snaps me out of my reverie.

“Damn, Wanda, what a fright.

My secretary is standing in the doorway in her black outfit and wide, expressionless eyes.

Did she do it on purpose, did she realize she scared the shit out of me sometimes? I still haven't dismissed the idea that she was masterminding my murder with cruelty by using the stapler against my skull. Or banging my head on the corner of the table. Or poisoning my coffee, or...

“The shareholders are here, they're waiting for you in the meeting room with Justin Taylor,” she announces.

Fuck, I completely forgot about the new PR manager.

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