Chapter 27

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At exactly nine o'clock I arrive at Steve's building in Chelsea, carrying my Tesco bag full of ingredients for the best dinner Steve has ever had. I smile to myself as I walk right past the doorman, who is distracted on the phone, and enter the elevator. There is certainly no reason to be announced. I'm sure Steve must have already let you know that his fiancée can come up anytime she wants. My smile widens, almost as if I slept with a hanger in my mouth, when I remember this still unbelievable fact.

I'm engaged to Steve Rogers!

I don't even remember this morning's quarrel; after all, I was a bit reckless, and Steve was right to be angry. Imagine if I had been caught with my mouth in the bottle, not to use another more explicit expression?

Besides, he had apologized at the cemetery and even given me flowers!


When in my life could I have imagined that Steve Rogers would give me flowers? And who cares that he stole them from a grave? What counts is the intention.

And poor Wanda was extremely impressed when I told her that my bag had appeared out of nowhere in front of the grave of one Peggy Sue Cartland, who died in 1917.

“Gee, I'm all shivering,” she exclaimed, eyes wide. "You really have the gift!"

I smiled complacently, shrugging my shoulders.

— I didn't ask for it, it's actually a burden.

And Wanda made me her new best friend and even invited me to her apartment after work. “We can read the books on spiritist manifestations I have at home, you'll love it.”, she suggested. I declined her invitation saying that after that day full of demonstrations, I was exhausted and needed to go home to rest my weary spirit.

And I did run home, but to shower, put on my best Victoria's Secret lingerie and even take a picture in the mirror and send it to Steve.

Seriously, he was going to reply that an Angel just needed wings! Or so I fantasized as I put on a Burberry Holly coat over it, thinking I was too sassy. Obviously, it wasn't much fun shopping at the supermarket wearing only a heavy coat (you couldn't take it off, as you were only wearing the little pink pieces underneath), but I couldn't risk that Steve's fridge wouldn't have the ingredients for my spectacular dinner. It was our first real dinner and I wanted it to stay in the memory forever. It would be something we would tell our grandchildren fifty years from now: “I surprised your grandfather at our first dinner as a real bride and groom by cooking delicious linguini with shrimp, all while wearing only sexy lingerie.” Or maybe he left out the sexy lingerie part. As well as all the bullshit I hope will happen tonight after dinner. Okay, maybe before. And during.

Satisfied with myself, I pull my phone out of my pocket to see if Steve has responded about my nude, and to my dismay, the phone is off.

— Shit, it's unloaded! I put it back in my bag and exit the elevator. I ring the doorbell and put on my best sensual expression, clutching my coat closed, which I'll pull away as soon as Steve opens the door and . . .

“It must be the Chinese food I ordered. I hear Steve's voice behind the door and I frown. Did he order Chinese food for us?

Wait… who was he talking to?…

The door opens and Steve appears before me, staring at me like I'm one of Wanda's ghosts.

— Natasha? He is so surprised that for a moment I feel dizzy with confusion.

“That's my name and…why does he seem surprised to see me?

"Steve, do you need me to pay?" - I hear a female voice behind him and my eyes widen, staring at him scared. - Who's there?

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