Chapter 110

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- Where did you come from? - I exclaim without restraining myself.

Peggy looks at me smiling with her perfect teeth. Really too perfect? Did she join this new trend of making dental contact lenses? What else is fake about that girl? Those breasts look too good to be real. And that waist, it's not normal, it can't be...

- Hi Natasha, oh... I think I came at a bad time. - She has the decency to blush, but not before letting her naughty virgin eyes roam Steve's chest.

- Yeah, I mean, Peggy, I'm surprised to see you here.

- Imagine me! - grumble.

- Ah, I thought we would end up bumping into each other, Steve, after all, he knew I would be here too.

I stare at Steve for an explanation.

My God, Steve, if you brought your secretary on our second honeymoon trip I will kill you with the utmost cruelty. I'll cut your eggs and throw them out the window!

- Like this?

- Steve didn't say? He gave me this trip as a gift.

But what?

- No, he didn't tell me.

- Yes, Peggy is a great employee and deserved a present, and I gave her the trip to come with her boyfriend - Steve explains.

- Boyfriend? Do you have a boyfriend? I'm not seeing any boyfriends. - I frown.

Then the secretary's pretty face breaks down in a pained cry.

- What it was? Where's... what's his name again? - Steve asks.

- Harry...

- Yeah, Harry, a problem with Harry?

- We broke up, ah Steve, it was horrible! - And she throws herself on Steve.

Steve hugs her, patting her on the back and giving me a "what can I do?" look.

Can you release the tramp, I mean secretary, and send her back to the office in London, which is where she shouldn't have left?

- I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have come.

She finally pulls away, sniffling.

- But it would be worse to cry in London, and at least I came to distract myself, but it's so sad to do everything alone...

- Well, I'm sorry, Peggy. Natasha and I are going out to dinner, you can come with us, of course, won't you Natasha?


- Oh no, I don't want to disturb, my goodness, I'm already disturbing, right?

Yes, it is.

- Natasha, it's okay for her to come with us, isn't it?

No, it's not okay.

- Of course. - I put on my best understanding smile. It's fake.

Peggy smiles.

- Oh, thank you, you're being very nice.

- Now, Peggy, if you'll excuse us, we were having sex and you got in the way... - Okay, that's enough.

- Natasha! - Steve scolds me.

- What? And truth!

Peggy blushes.

- Oh I'm sorry. Meet you in the lobby?

- Yes, in two hours.

Steve closes the door and I cross my arms and stare at him with all the coolness I can muster.

- What it was?

- Why didn't you tell me your secretary was here?

- Because it wasn't important.

- No?

-No, she should be with her boyfriend, it's not like she had agreed to travel together.

- But now that's what it turned into?

- Give it a break, Natasha, the poor thing just got dumped by that Harry.

- Oh sure, poor thing... since when are you protective of heartbroken girls?

- Since they are great secretaries, now where were we?

- I'm going to take a shower, you turn around alone!

I walk into the bathroom and slam the door in his face.

- Or call the secretary - I still growl.

No, better not.

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