Chapter 121

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When I get back to work, I go straight to Steve's office, but Disney's Playmate secretary says he didn't come back after lunch. I peek at the time. But it's already past three in the afternoon! Where has Steve been?

— Did he say if he had any work outside the company? — I question.

— No, he even asked to cancel if he had.

— Wait, did he tell you what he was going to do?

The girl gives an irritating smile.

—He told me he had private matters.

- Just that?

— I even thought it was something with you.

Um, apparently Steve had private matters that didn't include me.

— No, they weren't — I grumble and return to my room.

— Hey, Natasha, did you resolve the situation with your father? — Alan asks as he passes me.

— Yes, I'm solving it! — I smile.

I try to work in the afternoon, but I'm still intrigued when I pick up my cell phone and see that there are no messages from Steve and he's not responding to any of my messages either, I conclude, starting to annoy me. As I always do, I call Penelope's nanny, Irina, to make sure everything is okay.

— Hi Irina, it's Natasha — I announce when the woman with a Russian accent answers.

- Hello lady.

— Is everything okay at home? Is Penelope sleeping?

— No, ma'am, the girl is playing in the park.

— Park? He didn't say he was going out with Penélope today — I worry. Okay, I had already given up on my theory that Irina was a Russian spy, but you never know and I tend to keep my eyes open for any suspicious behavior.

— I wouldn't go, but Mr. Steve arrived and asked me to take the girl for a walk...

— Wait, is Steve home?

- Yes ma'am. He arrived with a friend...

- Friend?

— Yes, a very handsome man, David, I think that was his name.

What? What the hell is Steve doing at our house with David?

— Okay, thank you, Irina.

I hang up and grab my bag, ready to get this weird story straight.

It was just for Steve to have lunch with David and get some information and not to take him to our house, dammit! What the hell is Steve up to?

“David is really hot and he only takes a date home for one thing, Natasha” — A horrifying voice concludes inside me.

Ah, but Steve wasn't going to cheat on me with David, was he? Steve doesn't even like men!

But his father didn't like it either and look at that. Nowadays everyone is a bit fluid. Oh my gosh, first daddy now Steve? What comes next?

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