Chapter 113

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I go back to my queenly day, that is, running to the throne from time to time and with a killer hangover, swearing that:

One: I will never drink again.

Two: I will never eat meat again.

Yes, I'm the youngest vegan in the world and I'm even thinking about creating a YouTube channel about my new natureba personality.

Sure I can get very popular. Who knows how to make Steve go vegan too? And we could join those crazy animal protection groups. I can already see myself invading the nobles' hunts in the fields of England and throwing pig's blood in their faces shouting slogans. Do not wait. I don't think you can throw pig's blood, but anyway, I can think of something just as dramatic.

Three: I will never do anything crazy without thinking.

He arrives. Serious. I can no longer act like I'm a freak and get into pointless trouble. Look where I got myself?

At least a few hours later, I feel much better, the discomfort is gone and I even feel an appetite. I order room service. I think about eating a salad. But just the salad? Maybe a fish? Fish is not meat. But is it still an animal? I don't know, but it's a living being... But if I think like that, plants are also living beings and we eat, right? Right. Eating just a little filet of fish won't hurt anyone.

In fact, after taking a long shower and eating, I feel almost buoyant again. I open my Instagram, with a burning need to make one of those posts with big text to shout to the world my new vegan natureba animal protective vibe.

But the first thing I see is Peggy. Um... And Steve? I didn't even remember following Peggy. But there she is, in several photos with Steve. At Christ the Redeemer. On Sugarloaf Mountain. On the beach... Hey, did they go to the beach? Without me?

And suddenly the photos change and they are surrounded by people in what looks like a bar, and there is even a boomerang with the two of them toasting with caipirinha.

That evil drink! But of course, Steve doesn't get drunk. And I bet that perfect secretary never got drunk in her life either.

I look at the time and it's already past six and they're not coming back? I start to get annoyed and call Steve, but it just goes to voicemail.

Where the hell is he?

Today we agreed to go watch the samba school parades and I'm excited to feel better and not ruin this night too. So I get ready and keep calling Steve and I even call Peggy but both of their cell phones don't answer.

What the hell?... Okay, that's enough. I'm a modern, independent woman and I don't need my husband to do what I want. Fuck Steve and his secretary.

I take my purse and leave the hotel, they please order a taxi, which takes me to the parade site. And wow, what a mess. There are huge floats in front of us and lots of people in costume going back and forth. The taxi driver explains to me in broken English that he will have to leave me there, but that I only have to walk a little way to find the Sapucaí entrance.

Okay, it'll be easy.

I get out of the car and walk through the people feeling like a native, infected by all that joy. And the fantasies? They're amazing!

I want to wear one of those clothes...

I keep walking, having no idea where to go. Steve had explained to me that we would watch the show from a box, but I'm starting to think it would be too boring. Why not parade? Yes, it would be much more fun! A complete experience! But how do I?

The cabin is very bland. I'm going to die of boredom because I'm surrounded by people I've never seen in my life, drinking horribly and speaking a language I don't know.

“Natasha, damn it. - I look back and Steve is approaching with a few friends.

— Hey, look, if it's not my husband!

"Did you come alone?"

“No, Steve, I came with my Latino lover I just met.

"You're kidding, aren't you?"

- Yes I am. For now, you never know what the night will hold.

“I got scared when I got here and it was gone.

— I left you a note, since I didn't know if I was going to see the cell phone! And I was pissed because it disappeared all day!

“I didn't disappear. I was sightseeing with Peggy.

— Oh yes, I saw on her Instagram how much fun they were having!

"Are you mad about it?" You yourself insisted that I go.

"But he disappeared all day and wouldn't even answer his cell phone!"

"I'm out of battery." And at one point Peggy's too.

"You could have come back sooner!" Did you forget we had to come see the parade?

— We got stuck in traffic, the city is in chaos because of the Carnival blocks, and you were sick, I didn't even think you'd leave today.

- I improved! Although I'm finding it so boring...

— It's not boring, look how beautiful, a samba school is going to start right away.

“I wanted to be there, not watching.

Steve laughs.

- Who knows one day?

I make a dejected face.

"I'm going to get you something to drink and perk up, okay?"

"I don't drink anymore!"

Steve raises his eyebrowthere is.

— I don't want to cause the same embarrassment as yesterday.

“Okay, I'll see what I think.

- I'm going to the restroom.

Steve walks away and as I enter the bathroom, I find a pretty brunette woman pulling off what appears to be a costume. I mean, if I can call it fantasy. She is one of those tiny bikinis full of glitter and feathers.

How cool, she must be one of the dancers who parade on the avenue, dancing samba and all. I wanted to know how to samba. Maybe I'll take lessons when I get back to London, maybe someone will teach me and maybe Steve and I will go back to Brazil next year – this time without the nosy secretary – and then we can enjoy Carnaval like the locals?

There's a man with her who looks a lot like Justin, and he must be an assistant or something. She doesn't look happy as the two argue and she puts on a robe and leaves the bathroom. I approach curious. The man smiles at me and says something as he picks up the clothes.

- Sorry, I do not speak your language.

He blinks.

— Oh, American? ’ he asks in English.

- English. A tourist.

"I hope you're enjoying Carnival."

“Yes, it's all beautiful. Who is she? The girl who was here?

“She's a famous model around here, she'll be the next school's drum queen. But she does it every year! I think he's even out of favor with her, now he wants to stay in the cabin drinking until the last moment, instead of getting ready. One diva!

“Hmm, this queen thing sounds amazing. - I am interested.

- And yes. Excuse me, I need to go after the diva, have fun!

He comes out of the bathroom and suddenly an idea pops into my head, staring at the fantasy. For a moment, I remember the promise I made to myself. No more crazy. But... So what? I must seize the opportunity!

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