Chapter 51

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— Can you see it?

Steve looks away from his cell phone to me.

We're in the taxi, heading home after our fabulous, perfect honeymoon in Paris.

I mean, maybe perfect is an exaggeration, if you count the part about me stripping in the Tuileries Garden after almost dying of an allergy caused by a cheap coat (I have to remember to go to Primark to enforce my rights as a consumer and ask my money back), threw up on the Eiffel Tower after stuffing myself with macarons, almost pissed my pants on the tour bus (not to mention almost freezing cold) and still
find out I was pregnant like that, out of the blue.

- See what? Steve looks at me confused.

- My belly! I place my hands on my belly, covered in my black winter dress. "Can you already see that I'm pregnant?"

“Of course not, Natasha,” Steve grumbles impatiently, returning his attention to his cell phone.

- Damn it! Will it take time to show up?

I've only been dealing with the novelty of pregnancy for twenty-four hours, but while it still seems too surreal to be true, I find myself delirious in the expectations this new condition brings me.

I. I am. Pregnant!


There's a little baby inside me. Does he look like Steve? Suddenly my mind is invaded by an image of myself in a hospital room all disheveled, sweaty and moaning, legs spread, while a handsome doctor McDreamy style (I can dream, right) pulls a baby out of me. wheat-haired, wearing a black suit and yelling into a cell phone.

"You don't think I had a premonition?" — I poke Steve.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

“Back at your parents' party when I told you I was pregnant. I figured we could have a daughter and...

- Daughter? He raises an eyebrow.

'Could be, can't it?' Or do you think it's a boy?

“How can I know?

“Oh, we could make him genderless! He's super trendy!
We could call him by a code, you know, like Prince when he changed his name! And after he defined his sex, he could name himself!
It would be so modern! We would be role models! I think the BBC would even make a documentary about us... or a movie! Or I could write a book about my amazing experience and get rich!

Steve doesn't look impressed as he turns his attention to his cell phone, but he has a smile on his face.

“We're already rich.

- You're!

He strokes my hair affectionately, with the hand that isn't typing.

- What's mine is yours.

- Serious? Even your vinyls?

— No, the vinyls are mine. Now he gives me a very serious look.

“Then I would have had to make one of those estate separation wills, because I think they're mine,” I tease, laying my head back.
on his shoulder and taking the opportunity to spy on what he's typing. And it seems to be a message for James Potter, one of the directors of DBS, the company
in which Steve is CEO. For a moment I lose myself in this realization, which always fills me with joy. Yes, I am married to the CEO of DBS!

Holy shit!

And to think it all started with an elevator crush and now we're married. I can't believe we met in less than three months!

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