Chapter 23

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Ah yes.

I love being engaged!

Even more so when I can stick my tongue in Steve Rogers' delicious mouth as I rub against him shamelessly. But instead of grabbing me and throwing me across the table for our first wild sex session at the office, he pushes me away.

What? ...

I open my eyes, still a little dizzy with excitement, to see him looking at me with an irritated expression.

Is he angry with me?

-What's he doing, Natasha? - dartja, straightening his tie.

- What the hell are you doing I ask! Why am I here and you there, looking like you've been harassed?

- Well, why am I being harassed? - He straightens his hair.

- Wait, didn't you bring me here for us to have sex? - I stare at him confused.

- I don't know if you got it, but we almost fucked up today being caught taking us in the elevator. We need to be discreet here in the office, Natasha.

- Oh, that - withered. - I thought that now that no one else will be teasing about my love life, since there is no more boyfriend, we could use it!

- No. It would be inappropriate, to say the least. Dangerous to be exact. The head of security almost didn't spread an almost porn starring us around the company. Are you aware of how harmful it would be?

'Um, I think you're right,' I mumble.

He hated when Steve was so sensible.

Why didn't I fall in love with a really crazy and adventurous guy who would find it really exciting to have sex with me over the worktable?

- Okay, I understand, but what am I going to do with the fantasy of having sex with you at the office?

Steve raises an eyebrow.

- Do you have a fantasy?

- Yes I have! I whisper, leaning closer, knowing I have his full attention now. - If you want, I can talk about her…

He smiled.

- I know what you're doing and it won't do any good...

I touch your tie.

'I understand we have to be discreet, but there's no one out there and I can be pretty silent…' I kiss her chin, inhaling her delicious scent as I slide my longing lips over her face, in a sinuous path to her ear.

- You are not silent, Miss Romanoff, not when I am inside you.

Oh fuck, did he have to say those things when he wanted to restrain me?

- Dammit, Steve, you shouldn't say those things if you don't want to be harassed! -I complain in his ear, pressing my anxious body to his, that I can feel that he's okay to harass me too. I don't contain a smirk. - I know you do too, Mr. Rogers... - I bite his ear and Steve growls, bringing his hands to my hips and squeezing me.
against him. 'That's…' I close my eyes, moaning as I feel his erection, and Steve kisses my neck.

Oh God...

- It's not a good idea. -He squeezes me tighter while biting my ear like I did him, contradicting his words. - So I'll let you go and you'll be a good girl and get out of here before it's too late, ok?

Oh hell!

I hold his head, forcing him to face me.

- Steve, if you don't have sex with me here, I'll turn into one of those frustrated women who go online looking for men to fulfill their fantasies! Is that what you want for us? And then you'll find out and we'll have terrible fights, you'll become an alcoholic and when we least expect it we'll be on those afternoon shows where people discuss their relationships in front of everyone and…

He kisses me hard before I finish my explanation and from then on I can't say anything else, only exult when I see myself being pushed towards his desk, where Steve sets me down.

-Okay, let's make your fantasy come true, dear bride- he announces as he reaches into the drawer and pulls out a condom.

Gosh, he's forewarned!

- Oh yes, you are the best groom in the world! I laugh happily, rushing me to unzip his pants as he takes off my panties and puts on the condom in record time.

And we're no longer laughing when he pulls me in without the slightest instruction, digging himself between my legs and thrusting hard.

- Yea! I moan loudly, studying him with his legs and holding me on the table when Steve lunges at me furiously.

- Was that what you wanted? - he asks with a perverted smile.

'I think it'll do,' I tease him and Steve lets out a curse before he pulls me by the hair and kisses my mouth hard.

I knew he hated it when I disdained his performance.

And I can't deny it, I like to piss Steve off. It's fun.

It makes him more human and approachable, and less of that insensitive, superior guy he often is.

Although I really like them both.

He bites my bottom lip, intensifying his thrusts, causing my body to arch in pleasure and a scream to escape my throat as I come loudly. And it doesn't take long for Steve to come too, his hands digging into my hips like claws and I know I'll turn all purple.

Who cares?

- You said it would be silent! - he complains while our breathing returns to normal.

- And you, I wasn't going to make it, so…“Yeah, I like to be right…” He smiles and then turns serious. — That can't be repeated, okay?

"Okay, you're right," I sigh.

Yes, from now on we will be very discreet.

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