Chapter 12

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Only the next day I wake up ridiculously late after spending the night having nightmares about Steve. Exactly. Now, instead of romantic dreams, I had nightmares in which I'm chasing Steve in a wedding dress and he's running through the streets screaming in terror, running away from me.

Cursing every possible curse, I manage to get ready and run for the subway. As I step into the DBS elevator, I take a deep breath, looking at the time on my cell phone and realizing that despite all my running, I'm forty minutes late. Erin is my kill.

To top it off, the door opens on some floor before mine and, to my dismay, Steve Rogers enters the elevator, followed by Mark Wilson, the HR vampire.

His gaze flashes in surprise for an instant and I'm sure I'm red as a chili when he turns around so his back is to me.

Oh, of course he would ignore me.

All right, I could do the same thing.

The elevator door closes as Mark shows him something on a tablet.

- These numbers may prove what I'm saying... - Mark continues to talk without my paying attention. In fact, my attention is on the back of Steve's head as I try to ignore his delicious and now familiar scent reaching up to me and triggering my olfactory memory.

- Late, Miss Romanoff? Steve's voice suddenly cuts across Mark and my eyes widen.

Did he talk to me?

Oh my God!

I clear my throat, trying to think of what to say, as Mark slowly turns his head toward me.

Yellow smile.

- Yeah, hi, Mr. Vamp... I mean, Wilson.

- I asked you a question, Miss Romanoff - Steve insists, without turning around, in the authoritative voice of a CEO.

Suddenly I feel anger bubbling up inside me. Okay, Steve might get my attention, after all, he's the overlord, however I know he's not questioning me about it.

In fact, I don't quite understand why he's talking to me when he's the one who pointed out that he didn't want anyone in the office to know about our call.

And I don't think that noticing my existence and starting to question me all of a sudden is being discreet.

Well. Two can play this game.

'Sorry, sir,' I reply. - I had a very busy weekend.

This time he turns, his eyes blazing.

Ah! I smile triumphantly into his scowling face.

- And even? - he asks slowly. - Did you have a date?

Ah, was he going to play? I could see in his gaze that he was defying me.

- In fact, I even think I got engaged!

His eyes widen in surprise and I want to laugh.

Take this, you bastard!

- My congratulations - Mark intrudes on our strange dialogue and both Steve and I turn to the vampire, I mean, the HR manager.

Before anyone can say anything, the elevator stops again and Alan Felton enters.

His face lights up when he sees me.

- Hey, Nat. - He stops beside me and just then seems to notice Steve and Mark. - Good morning - he says more measured.

The door closes again. Mark goes back to talking to Steve and Alan smiles at me.

- Where'd you go on the night of the party? I looked for you and I didn't find you - he whispers.

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