Chapter 39

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I thought it was too bad the total chaos that ensued downstairs in the lobby, when I was physically and verbally assaulted by my crazy boss while all my coworkers watched as if they were watching a crappy reality show on TV.

However, what is happening now seems worse.

I'm sitting at my desk (the old assistant's desk. There was no way I was going to enter Erin's office again, in fact, I was still slightly fearful that she'd manage to get rid of the security guards and walk in brandishing her crutch and screaming like a viking at reduced mobility), surrounded by a horde of DBS employees, all talking at once, eager to know firsthand the whole delicious story about Steve and me.

"So the whole time he was your secret fiancé?"

"Is it true that you won him over so you could move up in the company?"

"How did you manage to hide the affair from you all this time?"

"Are you guys really getting married?" Had they not finished?

And these were the most innocent questions; some wasted no time, going straight to the spicier parts.

"Did you really have sex in his living room?"

'Is he good in bed?'

- How many inches is he?

Not to mention the questions derived from a kind of collective delirium that seemed to have taken hold of everyone.

"Is it true that your mother did some witchcraft using Steve's voodoo so he would fall in love with you?"

“Is it true that Steve was Erin's lover and that's why she's so mad at you?

"No, I heard they formed a triangle!"

For the love of God!

I hide my face in my hands, refusing to answer any of those silly questions as I pray that everyone

“Hey guys, leave Natasha alone. Alan approaches. "Aren't you supposed to be working?"

- We want to know everything! - Rachel responds and everyone agrees.

— Is it true that the shareholders are going to fire Natasha? - Phil asks.

'Why is she the only one who would be fired?' They should fire Steve too! I bet he was the one who harassed Natasha… - Angie raises another absurd hypothesis.

“That's none of your business. And if Steve finds out you're here gossiping and doing nothing, it won't just be Natasha who gets fired.

I lift my head and face Alan.

"Do you really think they're going to fire me?"

He fixes me a pitying look.

“I hope not, but after that mess downstairs… I think you should get ready.

I feel like crying and remember the heavy atmosphere that was in the meeting room when Steve asked me to leave.

What would happen?

— Guys, Alan is right, let's go back to our tables — Maria says and I look at her gratefully.

When everyone else pulls away, she glares at me.

'Why did you hide it from me?'

"I hid it from everyone!"

"Alan said he knew!"

“He caught Steve kissing me there at the karaoke.

- Ah understood. Wow, what a twist! Could never imagine!

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