Chapter 117

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"I'm going to get Daddy a boyfriend!" I tell Steve that night at the dinner table.

He looks up from his plate of shrimp linguini, one of his favorite dishes (he's obviously gotten over the fact that I almost killed our boss by poisoning that dish when we sneaked out).

- What did you say?

“What you heard. I'm going to help my dad get a boyfriend.

Steve frowns, confused.

"Wait, I got lost here. You went from "I hate that my dad likes guys" to "I want to get him a boyfriend"

'Yes, you were right, I was being ridiculous. And a bad daughter.

— I'm glad you got through the revolt phase and are ok with this subject, but... what's this boyfriend talk?

“Oh, Steve. I was horrible to him this whole time, and I need to make up for it, and Dad needs to know that I have his back. More than that, I encourage you to be happy! And if he wants a guy, that's what I'm going to help him get.

"Did your dad tell you he wanted a boyfriend to begin with?"

— No, but he must want to, who doesn't?

— Natasha, I'm even afraid to ask how you're going to do this, but ok, I'll ask anyway. How do you intend to do this?

“Well, Mom is on a dating app.

- Know...

“And like, I'm kind of scared of those apps, to be honest, but I think it's the easiest way to get my dad on a date.

"Don't you think your father should do this himself?"

- I do not think so! He's still a novice at this.

- Noob?

— Yes, with faces! And I know the subject. I mean, look at me, I've been on a zillion dates and I have a lot of experience with men and…” Steve frowns and I realize I've gone too far. “Anyway, we're not talking about me, we're talking about my father.

— Let me get this straight, are you going to sign your dad up on a dating app?

- Yes.

"And he said he's afraid..."

- Of course I have. Imagine if he goes out with some maniac who will steal your kidney, or potential scammer, psychopath like Dahmer? Creed! No no. I'll take care of it.

— Again: How?

— I'll sign you up for the app. I'll do the screening, so to speak.

“Natasha, honey, I don't think this is a good idea,” Steve says slowly. I frown, starting to get annoyed.

— It's a good idea, yes, you'll see!

“Why don’t you talk to your dad first and—”

- No! It will be a surprise. It'll be like... A Christmas present!

- A boyfriend?

- That. You see, then I'll be named daughter of the year.

Steve runs his fingers across his forehead with a tired grimace.

- Right. Do as you like, just don't say I didn't warn you it's a crazy idea.

I frown as I watch him get up, taking our plates to the sink.

“Steve, something's weird.

- What?

He busies himself with putting the dishes in the washer.

"You... I feel like you should be yelling at me or something."

He laughs, but it still sounds like a muffled laugh.

“I know yelling at you won't stop you from doing whatever you want.

- That is true. But you're talking softly to me, it's not like you.

— I'm tired, Natasha. By the way, can you put the Pen to sleep tonight? I want to take a shower and go to bed.

"Straight to bed, without doing like three hours of work before bed?"

— Yes, what's the matter?

I raise my eyebrow. Hell, there's something really wrong with Steve.

- Is sick?

“No, Natasha, I'm not. I'm just... really tired. With the body a little sore...

"Never complained of tiredness, how odd." Are you sure he doesn't have a virus? Oh my god Steve do you have covid?

“No, Natasha. I just feel kind of tense muscles. Maybe I need... - He seems to search for the right word.

- Work less? I suggest.

'Not overdone, just… maybe a professional massage or something.'

- I agree. I smiled mischievously. "I'll be up in a moment..."

“No, you're not a professional and you just want to use your hands for dirty tricks. He walks past me, laughing, and kisses the top of my head. - Goodnight.

- Goodnight.

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