Capítulo 81

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A pain in the back of my neck makes me moan and shiver from the cold.

What the fuck, why am I freezing my ass?

I think disoriented as I open my eyes and realize that I'm lying in a garden.

I sit up, putting my hand to my head, and I feel a bump.

I fell?

I let my gaze wander around, confused.

There's snow on the ground and on my clothes. Yes, it looks like I fell, but... how?

I strain my mind, but I can't remember. With some effort, I manage to get up, brushing the snow off my damp clothes, looking at the house behind me.

What am I doing here? I don't remember this neighborhood. Am I drunk? But I don't feel drunk. However, what explains the fact that I don't remember how I ended up in this place?

I start to feel scared and consider the possibility that I'm drugged.

But I would remember if I used drugs, wouldn't I? I haven't smoked a joint since college, damn it!

The snow starts to fall again and I shiver with cold.

I need to get out of here. I have to get back to DBS. The day after tomorrow is that damn useless Christmas party and then everything is a mess.

I force my half-frozen legs to move and see my car parked. Thank God, at least I didn't walk this far. I take the key from my pocket and open the door, sighing in relief as I turn on the heater.

With one last look at the house, I start the engine and the car slides down the street.

In the rearview mirror, I notice when the door to the house opens and a young woman appears screaming something.

Is she yelling at me? I don't think so, because I've never seen her before.

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