Chapter 69

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Steve stares at me scared.

- Now?

"I think so..." I whisper, not knowing what to do.
I had waited so long for this moment, but now that it felt so real, I started to feel scared.

- What are you doing here? Hope appears in the garage. "They're all looking for you, we have to open the presents and—"

— Natasha is having contractions. Steve jumps into the driver's seat.

Hope widens her eyes.

"But it's not time yet, is it?"

“We have to go to the hospital now. Steve starts the car.

“Hope, let my parents know,” I yell as Steve starts the engine. “And someone has to get my maternity bag, oh no, I didn't even pack it…” I whimper, but Steve is already leaving with the car screeching. “I don't think it's time yet, Steve… Maybe I overreacted…” I whisper, frightened. “I think we can go back to the party.
I've actually seen some very interesting presents and—” I stop when I notice my water has burst. "Oh shit, I think it's really serious..."

Steve makes his way to St. Mary Hospital in record time and when I get there, I am examined immediately.

“Natasha, your water has already broken,” the obstetrician communicates. — Now we have to wait for the necessary dilation. He's three centimeters dilated.

- Just that?

“You put in your birth plan that you wanted anesthesia. We can give you an Epidural and...

“No, I don't want anesthesia. The pains are good, I think I'm really strong, check it out. I will handle the birth very well. I'm sure it will be quick.

'It might take a while.' It's normal. — The doctor takes off his glove. — Take advantage of the interval between one contraction and another to relax and rest.

- To relax? How can I relax at a time like this? Since I'm here, I want you to be born soon! Kate Middleton had her first baby in two and a half hours!

“It varies from woman to woman, but in first pregnancies it usually takes ten to fourteen hours. Don't stand still. Short walks in the hallway and the use of some accessories, such as a ball and stool
birth, help in the process of dilation. Massages and baths with hot water are also excellent for relaxing the muscles, reducing pain and accelerating dilation.

“Alright, I'm going to stay calm and I'm going to do all this. I smile as Steve leaves to sort out the paperwork and a nurse comes to prepare me. — I'm sure everything will be fast like Florence and Kate's was! I can't believe my baby is going to be born!

Three hours later

— How many centimeters dilated? I ask anxiously to the midwife who is examining me.

- Four.

- Just that? It's not possible! I'm already bored here!

— Why don't you use the pilates balls?

I roll my eyes, not at all interested, but I accept help getting off the bed and I keep bouncing on top of the damn balls.

Steve enters the room again.

- How it is?

'How do you think?' I grumble, turning away, after all the commotion of the run to the hospital and the initial shock that my baby was due today was over, I'd remembered I was mad at him.

“Our family is there. They want in, but I said it's not appropriate. By the way, a bunch of people from the office showed up outside too, and I've already told everyone to go back to work.

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